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First day at school

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0 Dokumente zum Thema First day at school:

13 Forumsbeiträge zum Thema First day at school:

Ich brauche dringend eine Korrektur für mein Text :) Marcus is a twelve-year-old boy whose parents are separated and so he left Cambridge where they had all been living and moved to London alone with his mother because his mother found a Job. But that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t see his dad, he visits him at the weekends and likes his girlfrien..
The content of the second szene from the „The Pressure Cooker“ by Steve Skidmore and Steve Barlow is a Argument between Andrea an her Mother. Firstly, Andrea comes at home and see that her Mother is angry, because Andrea comes to late from school and didn´t do the housework. Her mum ask she about her exam for wich Andra learned very hardly. As she ..
Childhood On 8th January 1935 Elvis Aron Presley was born in Mississippi / USA together with his twin brother, who unfortunately was a stillbirth. He grew up in poor conditiones. Elvis´ father, Veron Presley was a factory worker and his mother Gladys Presley worked as a seamstress and you can see that he had a difficult childhood, because his fa..
The discussion about legalizing the use of recreational drugs is a topic which concerns more and more people. Because the count of drug consumers increases year to year. On the one hand society tells us about the danger of any drugs, but on the other hand you learn that alcohol is okay. Even to be drunken is accepted by society. But does this make..
In 2012 a terrible event shocked the whole world. A girl, a 23 year old student became a victim of a horrible crime. Six men raped her one by one and then used an iron rod to tear her vagina. They left her to die on the road. Naked. Wounded.Exposed. Devastated. The terrifying fact that no one even turned back to look at her. One woman gets raped ev..
Essay: `Internships are a waste of time.` Do you agree or disagree? `Internships are a waste of time.` In my opinion Internships are a good chance to learn more about your favourite job. There are more arguments for an Intership than against. These points describe why Internships are not a waste of time. Firstly, employers have a good possibil..
Hallo...ich habe eine Rede geschrieben und würde mich über eine Kontrolle freuen (Sprache, Rechtschreibung,Grammtik..) Danke Good morning /afternoon /evening ladiesand gentlemen. My name isMax May and I am delighted to be here today to talk to you about, whyyou must show courage. As you all know,today we see many people, who were beaten, bu..
Hallo, wir schreiben morgen eine Englisch Arbeit über das Thema Argumentierender Text und ein paar andere Themen. Ich habe einen Text über das Verbot des Handys in der Schule geschrieben, das sind ca 290 was glaub ich viel zu viel ist weil wir bestimmt 150 oder so schreiben müssen. Ich bitte um Korrektur und dann noch sagen was für eine Note ich ca..
Hallo. Ab da mal an alle ne Bitte, die gerne Englisch korrigieren wollen. Es ist echt wichtig, dass ich den Text ohne viele Fehler habe. Es reichen auch Teilaufgaben. Nicht erschrecken! Bitte, Bitte, Bitte. Aufgabe 1: Parents: - have distrust ( haben Misstrauen) Pupil: they like the teacher more and more ( out of Cameron); at the end the..
Könnten Sie meinen Aufsatz korrigieren? Es ist wirklich dringend. Ich brauche die Korrektur bis 1 Uhr nachmittag. Life is full of unforgettable moments - good times with friends and family, trips, birthdays, laughs and many more. Learning how to enjoy the simple things is true happiness and not everyone knows how to do so. We should be grateful fo..
Ich musste in Englisch ein essay verfassen und da ich in diesem fach nicht wirklich gute noten habe würde es mich freuen wenn man mir tipps geben könnte was ich vlt noch korrigieren könnte oda sogar sollte... Opinion essay: fashion A lot of us know this situation when you stand infront of the wardrobe and you do not know what to wear. It has be..
hallo zusammmen. es wäre mega nett und für mich vor allem sehr hilfreich wenn jemand einen kurzen blick auf meinen englischaufsatz werfen können und sogleich die korrekturen anmeken könnet. muss ihn eben morgen abgeben und bekomme wahrscheinlich auch eine note dafür..=/ herzlichen dank im voraus PROBLEMS IN SWITZERLAND FACED BY YOUNG PEOPLE ..
Danke Euch. Aufgabe 1: Chris: Chris Noel. Hello? Susan: Hi. Here is Susan. Oh, how are you? I hope better than this morning? Chris: Very, very bad. I be at the end of one’s tether. Susan: I feeling with you. Chris: Thank you, but I have to solve this problem alone. Susan: I know. But talking helps. Chris: Yes, sure. I don’t know, wha..
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