Bitte um Korrektur. Nicht sehr schwer!
Frage: Bitte um Korrektur. Nicht sehr schwer!(2 Antworten)
Danke Euch. Aufgabe 1: Chris: Chris Noel. Susan: Hi. Here is Susan. Oh, how are you? I hope better than this morning? Chris: Very, very bad. I be at the end of one’s tether. Susan: I feeling with you. Chris: Thank you, but I have to solve this problem alone. Susan: I know. But talking helps. Chris: Yes, sure. I don’t know, what I have to think about Knox reaction. I mean, does he loves me really? Susan: That’s sure. His poems are a proof. Chris: But I loves Chet! He know that. If Chet hear that from someone, he freak out. Susan: Oh yes, that’s right…. Chris: That have to be prevent. Susan: I will talk with the class. That they doesn’t say something to someone. Chris: I hope, that he doesn’t know anything. I think, I have to talk with him about Knox and his emotions. Susan: Are you interested on him? Chris: No. Susan: Are you sure? Chris: Yes, Man! Susan: I have the solution: Firstly, you talk with Chet. You say him, that you just love him. Secondly, you go to Knox and say him, that his performance was a disgrace. He have to let you alone. Thirdly, we have to say to class, that Knox is a madman. You didn’t know him. Chris: Do you think so? Susan: What is wrong? Chris: Nothing, but Knox isn’t a madman. Susan: You love him. I feel that. Chris: It’s rubbish! I like him as a friend. That’s all. Susan: But, what would you do? Chris: The situation is very compliciated. Susan: You have to sleep over a night and tomorrow is a new day. Perhaps you feels better. Chris: I hate tomorrow. I’m afraid of school. Susan: I will be there! Chris: Thank God. But the other ones. All the class will run down. It was so embarrassing today. Everyone laughed. Susan: They calm down. Chris: I become a laughing- stock. I go to bed now. See you tomorrow. Susan: Bye. Aufgabe 2: The talk between Keating and Neil I think, it’s considerate, that Keating ask for Neils act in the theater. I can not understand, that Neil is lying, because he can Keating trust and he knows, that Keating is stand by Neil. But Neils penalty is his bad conscience. Knox arrival I think, he is very courageous, because of his performance at Chris school and cuting school. The departure for Henley Hall It’s nice from Keating to give the boys a lift. Charlies act, to paint a red lightning on his body shows, that he is a funny boy, who is in a hurry to become girlfriends. I think Knox act to persuade Chris shows his real love and endurance. It’s right from Chris to go with Knox in the teather and that she warn Knox of Chet. Neils act Neil is self-confident, I’m amazed, that Neil is appeared and have his part played fantistical, although Mr. Perry was also in the publicum. Mostly, I can Mr. Perry not unerstand. How can a father penalted his son for a perfect performance? I anticipated, as the write about his visit in the theater, that he changed his opinion for Neils advantage. Knox and Chris I have not ecpect, that Chris changes her emotions so quickly. It’s to hear, that Knox has win his love and that his efforts are worthwile. |
Frage von lieschene (ehem. Mitglied) | am 12.12.2010 - 15:49 |
Antwort von GAST | 12.12.2010 - 18:32 |
In der Tat, |
Antwort von matata | 12.12.2010 - 18:37 |
Man erfährt auch nicht, was die Aufgabe war, die zu diesem Text geführt hat und weiss deshalb auch nicht, worauf man bei der Korrektur achten soll. Mit einem Textbearbeitungs- Korrekturprogramm könntest du wenigstens die Rechtschreibung selber kontrollieren. ________________________ - Team |
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