Frage: essay...(2 Antworten)
Ich musste in Englisch ein essay verfassen und da ich in diesem fach nicht wirklich gute noten habe würde es mich freuen wenn man mir tipps geben könnte was ich vlt noch korrigieren könnte oda sogar sollte... Opinion essay: fashion A lot of us know this situation when you stand infront of the wardrobe and you do not know what to wear. Firstly I should like to mention that there are many brands so you have a good variety of brands because it would be boring if in a school everyone wears the same and it is also necessary that it is varied for the buyer. Some youth groups choose their own style because they want to reflect their way of life and so they can express togetherness. Especially for a lot of youths fashion is very important because they love to wear things which are trendy at the moment. On the other side of the argument, it is very hard to keep up with the fashion because it changes nearly every year, so it is very expensive when you want to go along with the current trends. Anyway not everyone can afford to buy for example brand-named-fashion or just new clothes. Such persons are sometimes outsiders although it is otherwhile not their own fault when their parents do not have enuogh money for new clothes. But for a teenager, who does not have suchlike a problem it is hard to imagin. So in my opinion we are the victims of the fashion world because we buy clothes which hang in the shops because of the fact we need them but a lot of people think that it is necessary to wear clothes which are expensive or shown on catwalk. It is my personal opinion that we should not segregate teenagers or generally people when they do not wear the current style. Of course I am of the opinion that "we are what we wear" but only in the context that we dress a certain way in certain situations to express a particular feeling, to reflect our way of life or to fit in to various events. |
Frage von kirstn (ehem. Mitglied) | am 24.11.2010 - 18:26 |
Antwort von Mark17 (ehem. Mitglied) | 24.11.2010 - 18:43 |
Zitat: auf Englisch gibt es keine "side", da sagt man "on the other hand" Ansonsten finde ich deinen Text sehr gelungen. |
Antwort von kirstn (ehem. Mitglied) | 24.11.2010 - 18:47 |
danke...jap das ist mir gerade aufgefallen... hab ihn aber in eile geschrieben... danke jedoch für deine antwort! |
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