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Hilfe-Aufsatz auf Englisch-Korrektur

Frage: Hilfe-Aufsatz auf Englisch-Korrektur
(2 Antworten)

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Life is full of unforgettable moments - good times with friends and family, trips, birthdays, laughs and many more. Learning how to enjoy the simple things is true happiness and not everyone knows how to do so. We should be grateful for what we have but unfortunately not everyone realizes that.
Firstly, I believe that money can’t buy true happiness, but it can help you to achieve happiness. For example, if driving makes you happy, money can improve the car (the basic thing for you to drive) you’re driving on, which will “increase” your happiness because it’s more fun to drive a Ferrari than a Mazda.
On the one hand, despite money can`t buy true happiness, money makes us secure and safe. It maked sure that we and our families are well off and that our kids can get the best education possible - good schools, learning foreign languages, playing sports...
On the other hand, the best things in life are free. My friends are my friends not because I’m rich or not, they don’t know how much money I have. They’re my friends because we have a connection, because we love each other and protect each other.
There are a number of reasons money can`t buy you happiness. Well, it turns out, things will only make you happy for so long. A new watch or expensive item of clothing may bring you momentary happiness, but it won`t bring you lasting joy. Things like family, community, connectedness are what make people truly happy.
Money isn`t everything and it is sad that nowadays a lot of people haven`t figured that out. Some never will. Some people are so caught up in what they think is happiness and live their whole lives miserable. However some people find that out and try to turn things around and give money away to charities and people who need it.
Frage von Victor86 | am 27.12.2017 - 08:30

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 27.12.2017 - 14:55
Jetzt hast du deine Frage drei Mal gestellt und erst noch in drei verschiedenen Threads. Das reicht nun. Viele Helfer sind in den wohlverdienten Weihnachtsferien,
geniessen ihre freien Tage und surfen vermutlich weniger hier herum als an gewöhnlichen Werktagen. Also wirst du dich gedulden, bis du Antwort bekommst. Sonst riskierst du noch eine Verwarnung. Der doppelte Thread wird ohnehin gelöscht, weil er sinnlos ist und gegen unsere Regeln verstösst.

Und nein, ich korrigiere deine Arbeit nicht, weil Englisch nicht mein Spezialgebiet ist.
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 01.01.2018 - 16:23
Das ist jetzt die vierte Frage....
Da dein Link leider nicht funktioniert, kann dir auch niemand helfen.
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