Könnte das bitte jemand mal kontrollieren? :-)
Frage: Könnte das bitte jemand mal kontrollieren? :-)(7 Antworten)
The discussion about legalizing the use of recreational drugs is a topic which concerns more and more people. Because the count of drug consumers increases year to year. Firstly, I want to take a look at the law. At the moment it says, if you consume pot or other soft drugs, you are criminal. But are pot smokers really criminal? Fact is that most of them are not, because the only crime they do, is to buy, own and smoke cannabis. Apart from that they are usually normal citizens like everyone else too. And why should something be illegal when a other drug, called aclohol which is much more harmful than pot but legal? There is no scientific argument which justifies that. So we have to find a solution in law to legalize soft drugs like marijuana, then the delinquency rate would decrease and normal people wouldn´t get seen as criminals. Furthermore a legalization of pot would reduce the black market, and so the count of the criminals too. In the second place, the government must support the education about these drugs more than now. Because only if you know enough about them and their effects, you can use these drugs responsible. So school should not teach the pupils just about the danger of drugs. No, they should explain them about the differences of soft and hard drugs and the risks of using them. And if more people would know the real facts about drugs, the abuse and addiction of them would decrease. It should not be a taboo to talk about the consume of marijuana in public. And that is the goal which our government should reach. More acceptability of soft drugs in society. In the third place, we have to find a strategy to assess these drugs like pot reasonable. Just the profits of a taxation should speak for a legalization. Alone with this mass of new public money, the government could finance more and better drug advice centers and the education about drugs in schools. Moreover the profits would exculpate the budget from other expenses. By legalizing cannabis the government could control the market. And a controlled market protects the consumers from bad quality, price arbitrariness and from beeing criminal. It is just important that the assessment is not too high, then this would force the consumers to buy at the black market again. And then a legalization would not bring a change anyway. Finally, I have reached the conclusion that the legalization of soft drugs like marijuana would appreciate our society. Because in my opinion it has only good aspects and in the end, everybody has to decide for his own if and how much drugs he consumes. For that reason I hope that the people will understand the inequity in the drug topic someday. But only the future will show whether politicians and citizens will decide to legalize pot or whether the senseless law enforcement of normal people will continue. Ich bedanke mich im Vorraus :) |
Frage von Kartoffel92 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 26.06.2013 - 21:15 |
Antwort von Ratgeber | 27.06.2013 - 00:51 |
Ich habe meine Korrekturen fett gedruckt: The discussion about legalizing the use of recreational drugs is a topic which concerns more and more people. Because the number of the drug-takers rises from year to year. On the one hand society tells us about the danger of any drugs, Firstly, I want to take a look at the law. At the moment it says, if you consume pot or other soft drugs, you are criminal. But are pot smokers really criminal? Fact is that most of them are not, because the only crime that they commit, is to buy, own and smoke cannabis. Apart from that they usually are normal citizens like everyone else too. And why should something be illegal when another drug, called alcohol, is legal but much more harmful than pot? No scientific argument is justifiyng this. So we have to find a solution in law to legalize soft drugs like marijuana, then the delinquency rate would decrease and normal people wouldn´t get seen as criminals. Furthermore a legalization of pot would reduce the black market, and so the number of the criminals too. In the second place, the government must support the educational work about these drugs more than now. Because only if you know enough about them and their potency, you can use these drugs responsible. So school should not teach the pupils just about the danger of drugs. No, they should explain the differences of soft and hard drugs and the risks of using them. And if more people would know the real facts about drugs, the abuse and addiction of them would decrease. It should not be a taboo to talk about the consume of marijuana in public. And this is the goal which our government should reach: More acceptability of soft drugs in society. Thirdly, we must find a strategy to value these drugs like pot appropriately. Just the profits of a taxation should speak for a legalization. Alone with this mass of new public money, the government could finance more and better drug advice centers and the education about drugs in schools. Moreover the profits would exculpate the budget from other expenses. By legalizing cannabis the government could control the market. And a controlled market protects the consumers from bad quality, price arbitrariness and from being criminal. It is just important that the assessment is not too high, because this would force the consumers to buy at the black market again. And then a legalization would not bring a change anyway. Finally, I come to the conclusion that the legalization of soft drugs like marijuana would appreciate our society. Because in my opinion it has only good aspects and in the end, everybody has to decide for his own if and how much drugs he consumes. For that reason I hope that the people will understand the inequity in the drug topic someday. But only the future will show whether politicians and citizens will decide to legalize pot or whether the senseless law enforcement of normal people will continue. |
Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 27.06.2013 - 03:09 |
Zitat: Ich bin bei meiner Korrektur von der "Korrektur" der Englischexpertin "Ratgeber" ausgegangen; die Zahlen sprechen für sich. Falls ich morgen Zeit habe, werde ich die Fehler gern erläutern. |
Antwort von Kartoffel92 (ehem. Mitglied) | 27.06.2013 - 11:34 |
Danke, damit ist mir schon sehr gut geholfen :-) |
Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 27.06.2013 - 12:33 |
Nur ein Hinweis mit dem Wort "enforcement" (Fehler 26, den Ratgeber(in) übersah)) konnte ich in ds Zus.hang nichts anfangen; da musst du dir `was Neues überlegen |
Antwort von Kartoffel92 (ehem. Mitglied) | 27.06.2013 - 12:40 |
hab mit "law enforcement" soviel wie Strafverfolgung gemeint..also nicht passend? |
Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 27.06.2013 - 13:08 |
nö: "Strafverfolgung" ist "prosecution". Beachte in Zukunft: die Admins des Forums englisch-hilfen.de mögen es gar nicht, wenn Texte im "cross-over" einerseits bei englisch-hilfen und andererseits in anderen Foren veröffentlicht werden. |
Antwort von Kartoffel92 (ehem. Mitglied) | 27.06.2013 - 13:12 |
super danke! War auch nicht meine Absicht, aber da dort irgendwie nicht wirklich was los ist, musste ich was anderes suchen^^ |
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