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Argumentierender Text

Frage: Argumentierender Text
(4 Antworten)

Beiträge 3
Hallo, wir schreiben morgen eine Englisch Arbeit über das Thema Argumentierender Text und ein paar andere Themen. Ich habe einen Text über das Verbot des Handys in der Schule geschrieben, das sind ca 290 was glaub ich viel zu viel ist weil wir bestimmt 150 oder so schreiben müssen. Ich bitte um Korrektur und dann noch sagen was für eine Note ich ca für den Text bekommen würde.

You often hear people say that phones at the school should be banned, because you disturb the lesson. So the question is, should phones be banned or not?

Firstly, u can use your phone to cheat in tests. For example, when you write a class test and you dont know a word or how to solve a specific task, you can easily research or see in you pictures for the word. But the goal of the class test is, that you know all things without a phone or help.

Secondly, the phones disturbing(Wieso geht nicht disturbe?) the lesson when they ring. For example, you write an important class test and your phone begin to ring, because your friend is calling you, that would disturb the whole class.

Thirdly, pupils can take photos from teacher or another pupils. For example, you can take photos from a teacher and upload it on the Internet without asking him. But he cant control this.

Firstly, you can use it to research things that you need in the lesson. For example, you can research things about a person for your presentation.

Secondly, you can use it fast, if it is an important emergency in your family at home or on a pupil. For example, at school when anyone hurts heavy his knee or leg.

Thirdly, you can use it in the lesson to waste time. For example, if you have a long school day and you cant concentrate at the teacher anymore, you can use it quietly to waste the time.

To sum up, I would say that phones are useless, because you can concentrate more without them, and you cant cheat, because its unfair over other pupil.
Frage von PlyfexHD | am 03.06.2019 - 16:29

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 03.06.2019 - 17:08
Wir können hier eure Arbeiten nicht benoten. Wir wissen nicht,
wie die Arbeiten in der Schule vorbereitet wurden, was für einen Erwartungshorizont deine Lehrkraft hat, wie das Niveau deiner Englischklasse ist... Die Korrektur wird bestimmt noch jemand machen...
________________________ - Team

Beiträge 3
Antwort von PlyfexHD | 03.06.2019 - 17:13
ok danke ich warte

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 03.06.2019 - 21:24
You often hear people say that phones should be banned at the school, because they disturb in class. So the question is whether phones should be banned or not?

Reasons for using a mobile in class
  • Firstly, you can use it to research things that you need during lesson, such as informations about a person for your presentation.
  • Secondly, you should also be able to call an ambulance or even police if there is an emergency case in class.
  • Thirdly, you can use it in the lesson to waste time. For example, if you have a long school day and you can’t concentrate at the teacher anymore, you can use it quietly to waste the time.
    Dieser Absatz ist kompletter Blödsinn. Das ist keine logisches Argument für die Nutzung eines Handys während der Unterrichtsstunde… Da musst Du Dir was anderes einfallen lassen.

Reasons to ban phones in class
  • Firstly, you can use your phone to cheat in tests. For example, if you write a class test and don’t know a word or can’t solve a specific task, it’s easy to investigate on mobile phone. But the aim of the class test is that you know everything without phone or help.
  • Secondly, the phones disturb the lesson if they ring.
    (Wieso geht nicht disturb? => Weil Du den - in meinen Augen - wohl denkbar schlechtesten 1:1-Übersetzer benutzt!)
    For example, you write an important class test and your phone begins to ring, because your friend is calling, that would disturb the whole class.
  • Thirdly, pupils might take photos of teachers or other students / schoolboys (sonst kommt das Wort pupil 2mal im Satz vor) and post them to the web without asking them which they can`t control.

To sum up, in my opinion phones don’t make sense in class, because they may disturb the lesson. I think pupils can concentrate more without them and above all they don’t have the possibility to cheat.

Die Reihenfolge der Argumente würde ich ändern, da Dein Fazit (oder das Deines Sohnes/Deiner Tochter ?) contra ausfällt und dann finde ich es micht gut, wenn genau vor diesem Passus die Pro-Argumente stehen...

Beiträge 3
Antwort von PlyfexHD | 03.06.2019 - 22:22
Vielen Dank, das mit dem disturb hab ich auch schon herausgefunden.

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