Hornby, Nick - About a boy: Charakterisierung Marcus
Frage: Hornby, Nick - About a boy: Charakterisierung Marcus(1 Antwort)
Ich brauche dringend eine Korrektur für mein Text :) Marcus is a twelve-year-old boy whose parents are separated and so he left Cambridge where they had all been living and moved to London alone with his mother because his mother found a Job. Danke im Voraus! |
Frage von Ichkannnixx | am 09.02.2019 - 14:25 |
Antwort von cleosulz | 10.02.2019 - 10:22 |
Warum sollen wir einen Text korrigieren, den du mit einem Online-Übersetzer erstellst hast? Wo ist deine Eigenleistung? Das machte übrigen DEEPL.com aus deinem deutschen Text: Marcus is a 12-year-old boy whose parents are separated. But that doesn`t mean he doesn`t see his father, he visits him on weekends and also likes his girlfriend Lindsey. Since his arrival in London he has been worried about two things in life. First, he feels uncomfortable in his new school because he is bullied by the children. Some reasons that make him different are for example he is funny, old-fashioned, has a strange haircut, wears funny glasses and listens to unloved singers like John Mitchell and likes to sing. He also doesn`t watch TV and doesn`t play computer games because Fiona, his mother, doesn`t allow him to. All children laugh at him, especially when he suddenly sings in class when he gets nervous. That`s why he has no friends and no one to talk to. Whenever he tries to talk and mark with Nicky, two of his only friends escape his new school because they are afraid of being bullied. His second concern is his mother, who always cries more than at Cambridge. That`s why he wants someone who makes her happy, because he doesn`t know the reason and tries to know him and suffers from depression. Marcus is described as a shy, polite, naive and unconscious boy. He says, for example, that he is not the right person for parties because he is shy. Sei doch bitte so freundlich und stelle deinen eigenen Text-Entwurf hier ein. ![]() ________________________ e-Hausaufgaben.de - Team |
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