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essay englisch korrektur

Frage: essay englisch korrektur
(2 Antworten)

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Essay: `Internships are a waste of time.` Do you agree or disagree?

`Internships are a waste of time.` In my opinion Internships are a good chance to learn more about your favourite job.
There are more arguments for an Intership than against.
These points describe why Internships are not a waste of time. Firstly, employers have a good possibility to test their applicants. Secondly, there is a need that you have to have an Internship because a few employers expect some experiences in the job. If you want to pause one year after school. Internships will be a good option to get more eye-opening, transformative and entrepreneurial experience and think more about the future. Furthermore internship will lead you to a regular job, if you prove your interests and your skills in the intership. Because of that employer know more about you and you have a better chance to get a regular job than other applicants, who have no experience. Meeting as many managers as possible or doing volunteer work for the company also support you to get a regular job after practising intership. At the end of an intership you will have developped your interpersonal skills, for example, by working in a team.
In fact there is only one disagreement for an intership. Internship means hard and long-time work with little pay, because many employers consider interns as a good way to hire cheap labour. To my mind it is a kind of abusing.
To sum up I disagree with the statement `Internships are a waste of time.` because internships are a good opportunity to have a rest after school. In this time you learn a lot, for example about your job in the future and about yourself.

ich bedanke mich schon mal bei meinen fleißigen helfer und wünsche ein schönes we =)
Frage von bombi (ehem. Mitglied) | am 17.11.2011 - 21:42

Antwort von GAST | 18.11.2011 - 11:20
`Internships are a waste of time.` In my opinion internships are a good chance of learning more about your favourite job. There are more arguments for than against an internship.
The following arguments support the notion that Internships are not a waste of time. Firstly,
employers have a good chance / opportunity of testing their applicants. Secondly, internships are often necessary, because employers often expect some experiences in the chosen job. If you want to take a break of one year after school, Internships will be a good option to get more eye-opening, transformative and entrepreneurial experience and to think more about your future. Furthermore internship might be a platform for obtaining a regular job, if you prove your interests and your skills during the intership. Because of that employers know more about you and you have a better chance of getting a regular job than other applicants, who don`t have any experience. Meeting as many managers as possible or doing volunteer work for the company also support you to get a regular job after having done an intership. At the end of an intership you will have developed your interpersonal skills, for example, by working in a team.
In fact there is only one argument against an intership. Internship means hard and long-time work with little pay, because many employers consider interns as a good way to hire cheap labour. To my mind it is a kind of abuse.
To sum up I disagree with the statement `Internships are a waste of time.` because internships are a good opportunity of having a break after school. In this time you can learn a lot, about your job in the future and about yourself, for example.

Beachte bitte dass du "internship" IMMER klein schreibst.

Du hast dich bei der Erörterung frühzeitig festgelegt, nur die positiven Argumente zu berücksichtigen -- kann man machen, wenn pro und con tatsächlich völlig unausgewogen sind und die pro- oder con-Argumente nur "lächerlich" sind.

Wenn du nur positive und nur ein neg. Argument bringst, kannst due nicht den Schlöussteil mit "To sum up..." beginnen.

Das ist hier nicht der Fall; du übersiehst bei con, dass viele Stellenbewerber, viele Studenten selbst mit den besten Abschlüssen, ein Praktikum nach dem anderen machen weil a) der Chef ihnen den inb Aussicht gestellten Job nicht gibt oder weil b)der Chef das Praktikum nach der Probezeit beendet, um weiter billige Praktikanten einzustellen.

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Antwort von bombi (ehem. Mitglied) | 18.11.2011 - 20:38
danke schön gaensesaeger ,
ich habe das ende laut deinen ratschlägen überarbeitet:

In fact there are only a few arguments against an internship. Internship means hard and long-time work with little pay, because many employers consider interns as a good way to hire cheap labour. To my mind it is a kind of abuse. It seems to me that internships are a good way for employers to economize their costs of labour by hiring cheap interns. That is why I think that interns also have a hard way to get a regular job after finishing internship because companies will replace them by new interns to save their expenditures.
All in all I disagree with the statement `Internships are a waste of time.` because internships are a good opportunity of having a break after school. In this time you can learn a lot, about your job in the future and about yourself, for example.


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