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Frage: englisch text korrigieren....
(6 Antworten)

hallo zusammmen.

es wäre mega nett und für mich vor allem sehr hilfreich wenn jemand einen kurzen blick auf meinen englischaufsatz werfen können und sogleich die korrekturen anmeken könnet.
muss ihn eben morgen abgeben und bekomme wahrscheinlich auch eine note dafür..=/
herzlichen dank im voraus

Also in a high developed country like Switzerland young people have big and little problems. Naturally these problems have nothing to do with poorness. The rest of this essay supplies information about a two widespread problems from young people in Switzerland.
Firstly there is the problem that a great part from the youth doesn’t know how to deal with their money. During their leisure time they have such a lot of possibilities to spend their money. Cloths, parties, cars, own apartments, holidays are just some examples where they need money for. But the money isn’t enough to afford all these things. The consequent is that they have to learn to do without all these things. They have to decide which things they really want. Otherwise they are going to lung into dept because of borrowing money from fiends or even taking credits.
Secondly there is the problem that the youth nowadays has not enough stamina. If there are just little complications or problems you give everything up. This phenomenon is certifiable in everyday life. Friendship, school, work
In conclusion it’s to say that the youth is too idle and isn’t willing to beat for something or to do without something. These two problems are already created in our very early age. When a child gets everything he wants then he will not be able to do without something to beat for something in his adulthood, because has never learnt it.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 18.01.2010 - 18:43

Antwort von GAST | 18.01.2010 - 18:47
also ich find den richtig gut !

du musst nur die Conectives (otherwise,firstly etc.) mit einem Komma trennen.

Antwort von GAST | 19.01.2010 - 08:20
herzlichen dank! =)

Beiträge 6130
Antwort von RichardLancelot | 19.01.2010 - 08:41
Ich denke da sind noch einige kleine Fehler versteckt. Beim schnellen überlegen ist mir z.B. aufgefallen:
about a two[entweder Einzahl oder Mehrzahl] widespread problems
that a great part from the youth[sollte wohl eher of sein]
examples where they need money for[hier muss ich auch passen, aber "wo" klingt irgendwie nicht richtig]
The consequent is that they[hier müsste consequence stehen
lung into dept[das verstehe ich leider überhaupt nicht]
to beat for something[soll es "für etwas kämpfen heißen?]
he wants then he[Child, also Kind, ist sächlich, also muss statt "he" ein "it" stehen]

Antwort von GAST | 19.01.2010 - 09:50
super, herzlichen dank!

Antwort von GAST | 19.01.2010 - 18:03
Ich hoffe, meine Korrektur kommt nicht zu spät:

EVEN in a HIGHLY developed country like Switzerland young people have big and little problems. Naturally these problems have nothing to do with POVERTY. The rest of this essay supplies information about --- two widespread problems OF young people in Switzerland.
Firstly there is the problem that a great part OF the youth doesn’t know how to deal with their money. During their leisure time they have such a lot of possibilities OF SPENDING their money. CLOTHES, parties, cars, ONE`S own apartments, holidays are just some examples ---- they need money for. But the money isn’t enough to afford all these things. The CONSEQUENCE is that they have to learn to do without all these things. They have to decide which things they really want. Otherwise they are going to lung into DEPTH because of HAVING BORROWED money from FRIENDS or even HAVEN TAKEN credits.
Secondly there is the problem that the YOUTHS nowadays HAVE not enough stamina. If there are just MINOR complications or problems THEY`LL give UP everything ----. This phenomenon is TO BE FOUND EVERYWHERE -----. Friendship, school, work (((((?)))
In conclusion it’s to say that the YOUTHS ARE too idle and AREn’t willing to beat for something or to do without something. These two problems HAVE already BEEN SET in our very early age. When a child gets everything he wants then he will not be able to do without something to beat for something in his adulthood, because HE has never learnt TO DO SO.

Sorry, ich haber jetzt R.Lancelots Korrekturen unberücksichtigt gelassen.


Antwort von GAST | 19.01.2010 - 18:45
Secondly there is the problem that the YOUTHS nowadays HAVE not enough stamina.

on second sight: ..."have not enough..." geht nicht, denn have ist hier Vollverb, muss also mit Hilfsverb verneint werden:

---the youths nowadays do not have enough ...


ne benbei, ein TGeil der Fehler entstehen daraus, dass du vom umgangssprachlichen Deutsch her übersetzt:

z.,B. "das ist der Mantel von meiner Mutter" ist U`ssprache:

korrekt: "das ist der Mantel meiner Mutter"

also übersetzt Taht is my mother`s coat (oder ausnahmsweise ..of my mother"

von mit "from" zu übersetzen geht nur bei Ortsangaben.

:Ich erhielt einen Brief von/aus Kiel: I got a letter from ...


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