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Übersetzung drigend

Frage: Übersetzung drigend
(24 Antworten)

Ich bin ne absolute Null in Englisch und schaffe es nich dieses Text zu übersetzten.
Kann mir bitte wer helfen? Das schlimme is ich brauche es bis morgen! =(

In der Kurzgeschichte “The Way up to heaven” von Roald Dahl geht es um ein Ehepaar in den siebzi-gern. Die ihre Tochter und deren Kinder in Paris besuchen wollen. Frau Foster ist eine Frau die pani-sche Angst hat etwas zu verpassen, wie z.B. das Flugzeug oder den Zug. Alles muss nach Plan laufen. Wie auch die Reise zu ihrer Tochter. Ihr Mann ein eher gemütlicher Typ macht sich über diese Hektik mache von seiner Frau eigentlich nur lustig. Sie sind wohlhabend und haben mehrere Bedienstete den sie auf Grund ihrer 6wöchigen Reise frei geben.
An dem Tag als sie nach Paris fliegen wollten, ging es schon zu Hause los Frau Foster wartete in der Halle unten auf ihren Mann und fragte ständig nach der Uhrzeit in der Angst sie könnten den Flug nach Paris verpassen. Irgendwann kam dann Herr Foster runter und als Frau Foster schon lange im Auto saß und nach ihm rufte er solle sich doch beeilen guckte Er lieber in den Himmel und sagte zu seiner Frau das mit dem Flug könne sie bestimmt vergessen da starker Nebel aufzieht. Frau Foster war der festen Überzeugung das sie heute noch fliegen werden. Endlich am Flughafen angekommen lief sie zum Schalter um ihr Gepäck aufzugeben, dort wurde ihr dann mitgeteilt das der Flug wegen dem star-ken Nebel erst mal gestrichen wurde. Frau Foster lief zu ihrem Mann und erzählte ihm das der Flug gestrichen wurden sei er war nicht sehr überrascht und meinte das er auf jeden fall wieder nach Hause fährt. Doch Frau Foster meinte sie bliebe lieber auf dem Flughafen falls der Flug doch heute noch ginge. So machte sie sich es auf einer Bank gemütlich. Sie fragte laufend das Personal wann der Flug denn endlich ginge, als das Personal meinte Morgen um 11Uhr entschloss Frau Foster doch nach Hause zu fahren. Sie rief ihren Mann an der ihr den Chauffeur vorbei schickte. Als sie dann zu Hause an kam meinte ihr Mann nur zu ihr:,, Wie war es in Paris?“ so was konnte Frau Foster gar nicht leiden und sagte nur zu ihm das der Flug Morgen um 11Uhr ginge und sie um 9Uhr hier los fahren würden.
Am nächsten Morgen stand das Auto pünktlich um 9Uhr vor der Tür Herr Foster kam gerade mal die Treppe runter Frau Foster schon wieder in ihrer Angst verfallen sie könnten den Flug verpassen sagte sie nur zu ihrem Mann er solle seinen Mantel anziehen und ins Auto zeigen. Er war nicht wirklich überrascht das er noch nicht mal Frühstück bekam. So ging er in Richtung Auto guckte aber wieder in den Himmel und zeig danach ins Auto. Auf einmal durch suchte Herr Foster seine Manteltaschen. Frau Foster fragte ihn was er suche und er meinte ein Geschenk. Was für ein Geschenk? fragte sie. Herr Fo-ster wollte nicht ohne diese Schachtel fahren also stieg er aus und ging noch mal ins Haus. Frau Foster guckt auf den Platz ihres Mannes und sieht die weiß eingepackte Schachtel sie ruft ihm hinter her aber ist schon drin. Nun bittet sie den Chauffeur ihm zu sagen das er nicht weiter suchen muss. Der Chauf-feur ging zu Tür doch die war zu er ging wieder zum Auto und berichtete das die Haustür zu sei Frau Foster wurde allmählich sauer sie kramte in ihrer Tasche und holte den Haustürschlüssel raus und lief zur Tür, steckte den Schlüssel ins Schlüsselloch wollte grade umdrehen da hörte sie ein Geräusch, wie versteinert stand sie an der Tür. Nach ein paar Sekunden zog sie den Schlüssel ab und ging zum Auto und meinte nur zu dem Chauffeur das ihr das jetzt zu lange dauert und sie sonst den Flug verpasse. So flog sie mit einem wohlfühlendem Gefühl saß sie im Flugzeug und war froh das sie aus New York raus war.
In Paris angekommen schrieb sie ihrem Mann jeden Dienstag einen Brief, wie sehr sie ihn vermisse und das er nicht vergessen solle zu essen. Nach genau 6Wochen flog sie wieder nach Hause doch nie-mand wartete am Flughafen auf sie so bestellte sie sich ein Taxi und fuhr nach Hause. Als sie vor der Haustür stand klingelte sie doch niemand machte ihr auf, sie klingelte noch mal wieder tat sich nichts. So holte sie ihren Haustürschlüssel raus und schloss die Tür auf das erste, was sie sah war ein riesiger Haufen voller Post. Als sie weiter in die Wohnung ging kam ihr ein seltsamer Geruch entgegen den sie nicht kannte.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 17.05.2006 - 11:52

Antwort von GAST | 17.05.2006 - 11:54
du bist wirklich lustig.
dazu braucht man ja einen halben tag und eine richtig gute übersetzung zu bekommen. das ist wirklich arg lang.
kannst ud nicht einfach teile selbst übersetzen und nur schwere sachen reinstellen?

Antwort von GAST | 17.05.2006 - 11:56
Sorry! Da ich eine 6 in Englisch habe is das etwas schwierig!
Manche werden jetzt sagen oh mein Gott die ´kann kein Englisch aber nun ja dafür kann ich Französisch. Was soll ich tun?
Es war nur ne Frage und ich habe niemanden dazu gezwungen mir zu helfen!

Antwort von GAST | 17.05.2006 - 12:00
The short story “The Way UP ton heaven” from Roald Dahl deals with a married couple in the seventies. Those their daughter and their children in Paris want to visit. Mrs. Foster is a woman who has fear to miss something, like e.g. the airplane or the course. Everything must run after plan. Like also the journey to their daughter. Its man a rather cosy type makes himself over this hecticness makes actually only merry from his wife. They are wealthy and have several officials them due to its six week long journey freely to give.

Da haste mal einen kleinen Anfang, ich bin auch nicht bombig in Englisch, also ein paar Fehler werden in der Grammatik sein ;)
es kann sich ja jemand die mühe machen meins noch ein bisschen verbessern.
Aber den ganzen Text zu übersetzt hab ich jetzt echt keine Zeit ;)
aber wenn du dich hinsetzt und es selbst übersetzt, und dann das englische hier rein setzt, werden bestimmt viele dir helfen das es grammatikalisch richtig ist!

Antwort von GAST | 17.05.2006 - 12:01
The short story “The Way UP ton heaven” from Roald Dahl deals with a married couple in the seventies. Those WANT TO VISIT their daughter and their children in Paris. Mrs. Foster is a woman who has fear to miss something, like e.g. the airplane or the course. Everything must run after plan. Like also the journey to their daughter. Its man a rather cosy type makes himself over this hecticness makes actually only merry from his wife. They are wealthy and have several officials them due to its six week long journey freely to give.

Antwort von GAST | 17.05.2006 - 12:02
Das finde ich voll nett von Dir!
Danke =)

Antwort von GAST | 17.05.2006 - 12:16
In the short history "The Way up to heaven" of Roald Dahl it is about a married couple in siebzi-gern. They want to visit her daughter and their children in Paris. Mrs. Foster is a woman the pani-sche fear something has to miss, as for example the airplane or the train. Everything must run for plan. As well as the trip to her daughter. Their man a rather comfortable type comes along about this hectic rush only makes fun from his wife, actually.They are well-to-do and have several employees them on grounds of her 6-week trip give a holiday. On the day as they wanted to fly to Paris, it already went at home loose Mrs. Foster waited in the hall below for her man and asked constantly for the time in the fear them could miss the flight to Paris.Then sometime Mr. Foster came down and when of Mrs. Foster sat for a long time in the car and after him rufte, nevertheless, he should hurry up He looked rather in the sky and said to his wife with the flight she can forget certainly there thick fog gathers. Mrs. Foster was of the steady conviction them even today will fly.Finally, at the airport come she ran to the counter around her baggage to surrender, then there it was informed of her that was stroked the flight because of star ken Nebel for the moment. Mrs. Foster ran to her man and told that to him the flight were stroked he is was not surprised very much and meant he on everybody fall again home goes.However, Mrs. Foster meant them would remain rather on the airport if the flight, nevertheless, even today would go. Thus she made to herself it on a bank comfortable. She asked constantly the staff when the flight then, finally would go, as the staff morning meant at 11 o`clock, nevertheless, Mrs. Foster resolved home to go. She called her man in to her the chauffeur past sent. When she then at home in came her husband meant only about her:, How it was in Paris? "something like that could not suffer Mrs. Foster at all and said only to him the flight Morning at 11 o`clock would go and they at 9 o`clock here would drive off. The next morning the car stood on time at 9 o`clock before the door Mr. Foster the stair came just under it Mrs. Foster again in her fear they go to ruin could miss the flight she said only to her man he should draw his coat and point in the car. He was not really he does not surprise yet sometimes breakfast agreed.Thus he went in the direction of car, however, looked again in the sky and point afterwards in the car. All at once by Mr. Foster searched his coat pockets. Mrs. Foster asked him what he searches and he meant a present. What present? if she asked. Mr. Fo-ster wanted to go not without this box he got out and went once more to the house.Mrs. Foster looks at the place of her husband and sees the white wrapped up box them shouts to him behind here, however already is in it. Now she asks the chauffeur to him to say he must not continue to search.The Chauf-feur went to door, nevertheless, that was to him went again to the car and reported that the front door to is Mrs. Foster she became bit by bit crossly rummaged about in her pocket and got the front door key out and ran to the door, put the key in the key hole just wanted to turn round there she heard a noise, as fossilized she stood in the door.After a few seconds she drew off the key and went to the car and meant only about the chauffeur to her now too long lasts and they, otherwise, the flight misses. Thus she flew with a feeling fine feeling it sat in the airplane and was gladly them from New York was out.In Paris come she wrote to her man every Tuesday a letter, how much she misses him and which he is not supposed to forget to eat. After exactly 6weeks she flew again home, nevertheless, nie-mand waited at the airport at them so she ordered herself a taxi and went home.When she before the front door stood, nevertheless, it rang nobody opened to her, she rang once more again nothing did itself. Thus she got her front door key out and closed the door on the first what saw they was a gigantic heap of full post. When she further in the apartment went you did not come a strange smell against them knew.

so ich denke mal müsse rechtig sein

Antwort von GAST | 17.05.2006 - 12:19
OmG danke! Das is sooo lieb von dir! =)
Du bist echt meine letzte Rettung gewesen =)

Antwort von GAST | 17.05.2006 - 12:19
diese siebzi-gern und spanische oder so weisse ja ,hasse aber auch da oben..hehe

Antwort von GAST | 17.05.2006 - 12:20
ja büdde ,gern =)

Antwort von GAST | 17.05.2006 - 12:22
wir haben die geschichte auch in english gelesen.. ist grausam und gemein nicht?

aber sag mal brauchst du wirklich so eine lange `zusammenfassung`?

Beiträge 40272
Antwort von matata | 17.05.2006 - 12:46
In the short history "The Way up to heaven" of Roald Dahl it`s about a seventy-year-old married couple . They want to visit her daughter and their children in Paris. Mrs. Foster is always in panic to miss something , as for example the airplane or the train. Everything should go according for plan. As well as the trip to her daughter. Her husband, a rather jovial/ unhurried type comes along about this hectic rush only makes fun from his wife, actually.They are well-to-do and have several employees them on grounds of her 6-week trip give a holiday. On the day as they wanted to fly to Paris, it already went at home loose Mrs. Foster waited in the hall below for her man and asked constantly for the time in the fear them could miss the flight to Paris.Then sometime Mr. Foster came down and when of Mrs. Foster sat for a long time in the car and after him rufte, nevertheless, he should hurry up He looked rather in the sky and said to his wife with the flight she can forget certainly there thick fog gathers. Mrs. Foster was of the steady conviction them even today will fly.Finally, at the airport come she ran to the counter around her baggage to surrender, then there it was informed of her that was stroked the flight because of star ken fog for the moment. Mrs. Foster ran to her man and told that to him the flight were stroked he is was not surprised very much and meant he on everybody fall again home goes.However, Mrs. Foster meant them would remain rather on the airport if the flight, nevertheless, even today would go. Thus she made to herself it on a bank comfortable. She asked constantly the staff when the flight then, finally would go, as the staff morning meant at 11 o`clock, nevertheless, Mrs. Foster resolved home to go. She called her man in to her the chauffeur past sent. When she then at home in came her husband meant only about her:, How it was in Paris? "something like that could not suffer Mrs. Foster at all and said only to him the flight Morning at 11 o`clock would go and they at 9 o`clock here would drive off. The next morning the car stood on time at 9 o`clock before the door Mr. Foster the stair came just under it Mrs. Foster again in her fear they go to ruin could miss the flight she said only to her man he should draw his coat and point in the car. He was not really he does not surprise yet sometimes breakfast agreed.Thus he went in the direction of car, however, looked again in the sky and point afterwards in the car. All at once by Mr. Foster searched his coat pockets. Mrs. Foster asked him what he searches and he meant a present. What present? if she asked. Mr. Fo-ster wanted to go not without this box he got out and went once more to the house.Mrs. Foster looks at the place of her husband and sees the white wrapped up box them shouts to him behind here, however already is in it. Now she asks the chauffeur to him to say he must not continue to search.The Chauf-feur went to door, nevertheless, that was to him went again to the car and reported that the front door to is Mrs. Foster she became bit by bit crossly rummaged about in her pocket and got the front door key out and ran to the door, put the key in the key hole just wanted to turn round there she heard a noise, as fossilized she stood in the door.After a few seconds she drew off the key and went to the car and meant only about the chauffeur to her now too long lasts and they, otherwise, the flight misses. Thus she flew with a feeling fine feeling it sat in the airplane and was gladly them from New York was out.In Paris come she wrote to her man every Tuesday a letter, how much she misses him and which he is not supposed to forget to eat. After exactly 6weeks she flew again home, nevertheless, nie-mand waited at the airport at them so she ordered herself a taxi and went home.When she before the front door stood, nevertheless, it rang nobody opened to her, she rang once more again nothing did itself. Thus she got her front door key out and closed the door on the first what saw they was a gigantic heap of full post. When she further in the apartment went you did not come a strange smell against them knew.
Wann brauchst du das? Da gäbe es noch mehr zu verbessern. Im Moment habe ich aber keine Zeit mehr.
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 17.05.2006 - 17:40
Hy Matata!
Aber im Großen und Ganzen ist es doch so ok oda?
Muss sie ja morgen abgeben!
Danke für die Verbesserungen =)

Antwort von GAST | 17.05.2006 - 17:41
Ja Dari die muss so lang sein da es unser Lehrer so wollte! Da sollte halt noch eine kurze Personenbeschreibung rein usw usw. =)

Beiträge 40272
Antwort von matata | 17.05.2006 - 18:14
2. Teil

In the short-story "The Way up to heaven" of Roald Dahl it`s about a seventy-year-old married couple . They want to visit her daughter and their children in Paris. Mrs. Foster always is in panic to miss something , as for example the airplane or the train. Everything should go according for plan. As well as the trip to her daughter. Her husband, a rather jovial/ unhurried type usually poked a fun of her hectiness. They are monied people and have more then one employees on which they are letting go on leave whilst they are on their 6-week tour. The day of the flight to Paris, a peck of problems were starting already at home.
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 17.05.2006 - 18:24
hba das jez mal mit iener übnersetzungs maschine gemacht!kann für nix garantieren! hoffe kann dir trotzdem helfen......

In the short story “The Way up to heaven” from Roald Dahl goes it about a couple in the siebzi-gern. That her/its/their daughter and their children in Paris wants to visit. Woman Foster is a woman the pani-sche fear to miss something has, like for example the airplane or the train. Everything must run after plan. Also like the trip to her/its/their daughter. Her/its/their husband a rather comfortable type does himself/itself over this Hektik actually only does from his/its wife funny. You/they are prosperous and have give several servant that she/it on reason its 6wöchigen rice freely.
On the day as she/it to Paris wanted to fly, it went free woman Foster already at home waited in the foyer on her/its/their husband below and asked her/it/them after the time in the fear constantly could miss the flight to Paris. Someday Mr. Foster came then down and sat as woman Foster in the car for a long time and after him/it rufte he/it should hasten however he/it rather looked into the heaven and said that could definitely forget her/it/them strong fog to his/its wife with the flight fosters. Woman Foster become fly the solid conviction that she/it still today. Finally at the airport arrived, to give up her/it/them to the counter about her/its/their luggage, ran, there became first communicated that the flight because of the star-ken fog her/it/them then was canceled. Woman Foster ran to her/its/their husband and told him/it that was canceled the flight, he/it is not be surprised and meant that he/it on everyone falls home again drives. However woman Foster meant her/it/them would remain dearer on the airport if the flight would go still today however. So, she/it made comfortable it for itself on a bank. She/it asked the personnel continuously, when the flight would finally go then, as the personnel, morning thought at 11-clock to drive woman Foster home however decided. She/it called her/its/their husband at her/it you the chauffeur past sent. As then at home she/it at came her/its/their husband thought only to her/it/them:, how was it in Paris? “something similar could not at all like woman Foster and said that the flight morning only to him/it at 11-clock she/it would go and would drive at 9-clock here loosely.
In the next morning, the car stood came exactly the stairway to become a slave to woman Foster in her/its/their fear she/it already again down at 9-clock in front of the door Mr. Foster promptly could miss the flight she/it said he/it only to her/its/their husband should attract his/its coat and into the car should show. He/it really was not not yet surprised that he/it breakfast once received. So he/it went look car in direction into the heaven and shows after it into the car. All at once through sought his/its coat-bags Mr. Foster. Woman Foster asked him/it something he/it, he/it seeks and meant a gift. What kind of a gift? she/it asked. Mr. Fo-ster want to drive get out without this box he/it and went into the house again. Woman Foster looks on the place of her/its/their husband and sees the knows packed box she/it calls him/it behind however is already in there. Now, she/it doesn`t ask the chauffeur him/it to say that he/it further must seek. The Chauf-feur went to door that however go to he/it to the car and reported that the front door to is woman Foster she/it became rummage about gradually sourly in her/its/their bag and got the front door-key out and ran to the door, put the key into the keyhole wanted to turn straight she/it heard a sound, she/it stood like petrified at the door. After a few seconds, she/it withdrew the key and went to the car and now meant that her/it/them that only to the chauffeur too long, she/it lasts and misses the flight otherwise. So, she/it flew with a well-feeling feeling, she/it sat in the airplane and be that she/it from New York out gladly.
In Paris arrived she/it wrote her/its/their husband a letter every Tuesday, like very much she/it him/it misses and that he/it should not forget, to eat. After exact 6-weeks flew her/it/them nie-mand home however again waited at the airport on her/it/them so she/it ordered herself/itself a taxi and drove home. As she/it stood in front of the front door, she/it rang nobody however opened her/it/them, she/it rang again again nothing did itself. So she/it got her/its/their front door-key out and closed the door on the first, which she/it saw, a gigantic pile was full of mail. As she/it went into the apartment further, a strange smell come know her/it/them contrary to that she/it.

Antwort von GAST | 17.05.2006 - 18:29
In the short story “The Way up to heaven” from Roald Dahl goes it about a couple in the siebzi-gern. This her/its/their daughter and their children in Paris wants to visit. Woman Foster is a woman the pani-sche fear to miss something has, like for example the airplane or the train. All must run after plan. Also like the trip to her/its/their daughter. Her/its/their husband a rather comfortable type makes over this Hektik only actually does funny from his/its wife. You/they are prosperous and have give several servant to this she/it its 6wöchigen rice on reason free.
On the day as she/it after Paris wanted to fly, it started woman Foster already at home waited on her/its/their husband in the hall below and asked her/it/them after the time in the fear constantly could miss the flight to Paris. Someday, Mr. Foster then came down and sat in the car for a long time as woman Foster and after him/it rufte he/it should hasten, however, he/it rather looked into the heaven and said this to his/its wife with the flight she/it can come up definitely forgotten strong fog there. Woman Foster become fly the solid conviction this she/it still today. Finally arrived at the airport she/it ran to resign to the counter about her/its/their luggage, there then became for her/it/them communicated this the flight Ken fogs because of the cataract first was canceled. Woman Foster ran to her/its/their husband and told him/it this the flight was canceled he/it is not be very much surprised and meant this he/it on everyone falls again home drives. However woman Foster thought, she/it would remain dearer on the airport if however, the flight would go still today. So, she/it made it comfortably on a bank for herself. She/it asked the personnel continuously, when the flight finally then would go, as the personnel, morning thought at 11 o`clock woman Foster decided to drive home, however. She/it called her/its/their husband past for her/it/them the chauffeur at her/it sent. As then she/it at home at came think her/its/their husband only to her: "like was it in Paris? “could like woman Foster not at all something similar and said this only to him/it at 11 o`clock the flight mornings she/it would go and would drive loosely here at 9 o`clock.
In the next morning, the car stood promptly in front of the door Mr. Foster at 9 o`clock, exactly the stairway came to become a slave down her/it/them already again to woman Foster in her/its/their fear could miss the flight she/it said only to her/its/their husband he/it should put on his/its coat and into the car should show. He/it really was not, he/it doesn`t surprise this breakfast once yet got. So however he/it went look again into the heaven in direction car and shows into the car after it. All at once through sought his/its coat bags Mr. Foster. Woman Foster asked him/it something he/it, he/it seeks and meant a gift. What for a gift? she/it asked. Mr. Fo-ster therefore want to drive get out he/it without this box and went again into the house. Woman Foster looks on her/its/their husband`s place and sees those of white packed box, however, she/it calls for him/it behind ago already is in there. Now, she/it doesn`t ask further the chauffeur for him/it to say this he/it must seek. However, the Chauf-feur went be go them/her/it again to door to he/it to the car and reported this the front door to is woman Foster she/it became rummage about gradually sour in her/its/their bag and got out the front door key and ran to the door, put the key into the keyhole wanted to turn straight there she/it heard a sound, like petrified, she/it stood at the door. By a few seconds, she/it withdrew the key and went to the car and meant this for her/it/them this only to the chauffeur now too long, she/it lasts and misses the flight otherwise. So, she/it flew with a well-feeling feeling, she/it sat in the airplane and be gladly this from New York she/it out.
In Paris arrived she/it wrote her/its/their husband a letter every Tuesday, like very much she/it him/it misses and that he/it should not forget, to eat. Exactly after 6-weeks, however, she/it flew again home nie-mand waited on her/it/them at the airport so she/it told herself a taxi and drove home. So, she/it got out her/its/their front door key and schloss the door to the first thing, which she/it saw, was one gigantic pile full of mail. As she/it went further into the apartment, a strange smell come know her/it/them for her/it/them contrary to this.

Antwort von GAST | 17.05.2006 - 18:43
sagt mal habt ihr das bei babelfish eingegeben? siet extrem so aus...

Antwort von GAST | 17.05.2006 - 18:43
sagt mal habt ihr das bei babelfish eingegeben? sieht extrem so aus...

Antwort von GAST | 17.05.2006 - 18:46
oh steht ja drüber...also auf Übersetzungsmaschienen würde ich mich nicht verlassen

Antwort von GAST | 17.05.2006 - 19:43
Ich danke euch allen das ihr mir sooo helft*freu*
Em jetzt wollt ich ma fragen was von wem selbst übersetzt wurde und was von der Maschine? *gggg*

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