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Referat: Martin Luther King Junior - Lebenslauf und Ziele

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Lecture about Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Junior. was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta/Georgia. He lived with his parents Martin Luther King Senior and Alberta Williams King, brothers and sisters in there. His father was the minister of the Ebenezer Baptist Church. When King was ready for college he decided to follow his father and become a minister. While attending the Crozer Theological Seminary in Pennsylvania he wanted to be like Mahatma Gandhi, who struggled to free people in India from the British rule by “peaceful revolution” and Henry David Thoreau. They were models for him. Also at college he met a young woman named Coretta Scott and married to her in 1953. In 1954 he accepted his job as a pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery/Alabama. From this time he was addressed as “Dr. King”. King’s involvement with the civil rights movements began with the arrest of Rosa Parks on December 1st, 1955. She was arrested for not giving a white bus rider her seat. Therefore he started with other black Americans a boycott to get the same civil rights as the white Americans. After 381 days the boycott ended with the appointment of the discrimination of black people. After that King was a famous black leader and became president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC; SCLSC). To have more time or his family he stopped fighting for the civil rights and wrote the book Stride toward Freedom, which was a success. Gandhi was King’s model, therefore he and his wife went in February 1959 to India. There King learned the non-violent persuasion, the Satyagraha. After he has learned Gandhi’s principle of the non-violent persuasion, he finished his job as a pastor at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church and became co pastor at his fathers Ebenezer Baptist Church. 1963, he made his famous speech in Washington, D.C. “I have a dream”. In 1964 King has won the Nobel Peace Prize and he divide the prize money, $54,000, among civil rights organizations. In winter 1965 King lost a march of 600 black people against a wall of state troupers. On April, 3rd 1968, King made his last speech, in which he wanted to say, that he saw the Promised Land, he saw the land, where he and his people will live their life, America. And after this day, on the April, 4th 1968, when he was leaving his motel room, Dr. Martin Luther King, Junior was shot and killed.

Übersetzung / Translation:
Referat über Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King jun. war ein farbiger amerikanischer Baptistenpfarrer, einer der Führer der amerikanischen Bürgerrechtsbewegung und Vorkämpfer des gewaltlosen Widerstandes gegen Rassendiskriminierung.
Martin Luther King jun. wurde am 15. Januar in Atlanta Georgia geboren. Er war der älteste Sohn von Martin Luther King sen. und Alberta Williams King. Mit 15 besuchte er das Morehouse College, mit 17 wurde er zum Baptistenpfarrer geweiht, 1951 machte er seinen Abschluss auf der „Crozer Theological Seminary“ und studierte an der Universität in Boston. Während seines Studiums begann er sich für die Lehren Gandhis zu interessieren, die zum Kern seiner eigenen Philosophie des gewaltlosen Widerstandes werden sollten.
Im Juni 1953 heiratete er Coretta Scott. 1954 wurde er zum Pastor in der Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery/Alabama. 1955 führte King eine 381-Tägigen Busboykottaktion in Montgomery, um gegen die Rassentrennung zu protestieren. Grund dafür war die eine Schwarze, Rosa Parks, die sich in einem Bus weigerte einem weißen ihren Sitzplatz zu überlassen. In der Aktionszeit wurde King verhaftet, sein Haus wurde in die Luft gesprengt und er bekam mehrere Morddrohungen. 1956 wurde jegliche Art von Rassentrennung in öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln für gesetzwidrig erklärt. King wurde Präsident der Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) und war ein hoch angesehener Führer der Schwarzen.
1959 konnte King Gandhis Prinzip des Satyagraha studieren, worauf er seine Stelle als Pastor aufgab und Kopastor bei seinem Vater an der „Ebenzer Baptist Church“ in Atlanta wurde.
Nachdem die Differenzen in der Ideologie zwischen der SCLC und anderer Gruppen unausweichlich wurden, führte King 1963 eine große Bürgerrechtskampagne und führte den historischen Marsch auf Washington, auf dem er seine Rede „I have a dream“ hielt.

Stichpunkte / Notes:
M.L. King Jr.
born Jan. 15th, 1929
Atlanta Georgia
M.L. King Sen.
Alberta Williams King
Brothers & Sisters
father minister Ebenezer Baptist Church
when ready college
decide follow father
while attending Crozer Theological Seminary/Pennsylvania
wanted be like Mahatma Gandhi who
struggled to free people in India from British rule by "peaceful revolution"
& Henry David Thoreau
they models for him
also at college
met a young woman named Coretta Scott
& married to her in 1953
1954 accepted job as a pastor of the
Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery/Alabama
from this time addressed as "Dr. King"
his involvement with the civil rights movements began
arrest Rosa Parks December 1st 1955
arrested for not-giving a white bus-rider her seat
Therefore King started boycott to get same civil rights as white
after 381 days boycott ended
with appointment of the discrimination of black
after that King famous black leader
became president of SCL(S) C
to have more time 4 family wrote a book
"Stride towards Freedom" a success
Gandhi model, therefore Mr & Mrs King went India
February 1959
there learned non-violent persuasion Satyagraha
after he had learned M.G.'s principle of
finished job as pastor at D.A.B.C.
started job co pastor at father's E.B.C.
1964 won Nobel Peace Prize
divide prize money $54,000 among civil rights organizations
winter 1965 King lost march of 600 black people
against wall of troupers
April 3rd 1986 King made last speech
Wanted say
has seen land where black people live their life
April 4th, 1968 Dr. Martin Luther King Junior
Shot & killed when was leaving his motel room
Die Datei beinhaltet einen von mir Formulierten Text über Martin Luther King Jr., welchen ich als Referat vortragen musste. War nach meiner Vortragsform ne 1+ Wert. In der Datei finden sich ein Text auf Englisch, dessen Übersetzung auf Deutsch sowie ein Blatt mit Notizen. Wer die Rede "I have a dream" als Audio Datei haben möchte bitte melden. Kann ich dann per eMail schicken. (966 Wörter)
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