Solar energy
13 Beiträge gefunden:
1 Dokumente und 12 Forumsbeiträge1 Dokumente zum Thema Solar energy:
This paper deals in detail with SHELLs environment in the oil market and in specific with the question how this company implements its adjusted strategic approaches in order to beneficially use emerging opportunities. This issue is scrutinized from a micro- as well as macroeconomic view, which is always elucidated in correlation with Shell. Initially, emphasis is put on the technological side of the problem, including environmental considerations. Thereafter, a socio-cultural investigation discusses changing demographic factors and their impact on Shell’s strategic decision-making. Wrapping up the foregoing approaches, an economic analysis of the energy market displays the environment, in which Shell has to compete and implement appropriate concepts. Finally, the preceding analyses from different viewpoints lead to a conclusive evaluation of Shell’s market behavior and strategic goals. Furthermore,references and exact citations according to the APP rules are included.
Chapter 1: New Technologies:
Adaptations to Secure Future Energy Demand
Chapter 2: Socio-Cultural Aspects:
The “Green Strategy” for The Royal Dutch Shell Group
Chapter 3: Economic Analysis:
The Energy Market and Shell
(Wirtschaft und Recht, ) (7135 Wörter)
12 Forumsbeiträge zum Thema solar energy:
Fehler? Verbesserungsvorschläge? wäre euch sehr danke...muss bis montag 10 englisch essays lernen...will ja schließlich meine fremdsprachenassistenten-prüfung bestehen ^^
The Environment
Environmental issues have become hot topics in the recent years. Although there is widespread concern about problems such as global warming and climate..
das essay muss folgendes beinhalten:
global warming, climate change, future solutions to environmental probs, hydro-powered cars/ bio-fuels/ hybrid cars, recycling in germany, litter-bug countries - environmental-friendly countries.
vielleicht könnt ihr ja gucken ob da fehler drin sind oder ob man sonstnoch was dran verändern kann! Danke.. :-..
So haben es nun geschafft ;)
Wäre lieb, wenn ein paar von euch über den text schauen würden und mir sagen könnten was falsch ist bzw. wie ihr ihn findet.
Und bitte nicht so streng sein :)
____________________________________________________________ _________
The text deals with the topic of renewable energy. Renewable energy is spre..
hi hab als hausaufgabe ein comment auf gehabt. hab ihn nun geschreieben, aber da ich ne null bin, wäre es nett, wenn ihr mir sagen könntet was falsch ist.
In the following comment I would like to discuss the question whether solar energy should be sponsored in Germany. What pros and cons there are?
Firstly, solar energy is environmentally-..
mediation à from: agora-energiewende 2014
Our previous energy systems are based on oil, nuclear reactions and other methods that do harm to our blue planet. The currently proceeding energy transition represents the change to renewable sources of energy like for example wind and water power, solar energy, biomass or geothermal heat.
There are p..
Ich kann leider übertrieben schlecht Englisch kann jemand mir den Text verbessern Grammatik und Satzstellung BITTE!
In times of changing environmental awareness people are starting to think about alternative energy. I`m going to discuss the disadvantages or advantages of the alternative energy.
The companies do not produce energy all the tim..
Ich habe einen Aufsatz geschrieben und ich glaube, es sind ein paar Grammatik-Fehler drin. Wäre sehr nett, wenn ihr den Text korrigieren könntet.
Renewable energy produces up to now only a small part of the global electricity. As renewable all energy sources can be called which regenerate on the new one. They are sustainable available and are ..
Hallo! :) Ich hoffe jemand von euch kann mir weiterhelfen...
Ich muss ein Comment schreiben... Könnt ihr bitte einmal drüberschauen ob ihr Fehler enddeckt.
In the last ten years the attitude to nuclear power plants has change. However environmentalist were against to build new reactors. They bring forward the argument, that nuclear power plan..
Are nuclear power plants a good solution for the future?
In the following text i would like to discuss the question :"Are nuclear power plants a good solution for the future?". Nuclear power plants produce energy with very toxic substances and the hole world get the energy from thes plants. Now in germany the nuclear power plants will be close ..
Introduction As requested I have prepared a report on the ecological footprint of teenagers, which represents the amount of biocapacity necessary to supply a human population with everybody following agiven lifestyle. It is based on research that was done by myself and therefore,in order to prepare this r..
Hey! ich wollte euch mal bitten ob hier mir sagen könnt ob ich alles richtig geschrieben hab, in der Zeitform geblieben, Wortwahl etc., da ich unsicher bin das ich es richtig gemacht hab. Hilft mir mal, bitte! DANKE!
At 8:42 AM on Thursday morning watching the experts at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, USA a massive solar flare o..
Hallo,könnte jemand bitte korrigieren, ob das grammatikalisch stimmt. Bin aber auch offen für den Stil und Ratschläge. Danke im Voraus :)
The solar oven is placed in sunlight. If the sunlight hit the mirror, the sunlight will reflect by the mirror. At the same time the mirror increase the amount of sunlight falling on the glass surface the cook..