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Report: "How environmentally friendly live teenagers?"

Frage: Report: "How environmentally friendly live teenagers?"
(3 Antworten)

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Introduction  As requested I have prepared a report on the ecological footprint of teenagers, which represents the amount of biocapacity necessary to supply a human population with everybody following agiven lifestyle.
It is based on research that was done by myself and therefore,in order to prepare this report, I have answered the questions of the footprint calculator.  
Analysis of the current situation 
According to the calculator my personal living habits require 2.8 earths, what is considerably surprising because my parents and I live quite environmentally friendly. This means we are buying local and organic food whenever possible, sort and recycle rubbish and turn off lights and appliances regularly. The main reason why my footprint is nevertheless higher than it should be is probably because I am travelling a lot by plane,including at least two long-distance flights per year. The current situation is in general extremely disappointing as the majority of the students have an ecological footprint of 2.5 earths or higher. It implies that the human demand on the earth’s ecosystems is higher than the earth’s capacity to regenerate.  
What can be done? There is strong evidence that humans are causing global warming, but some people disagree on what steps need to be taken. Some experts suggest reducing the reliance on fossil fuels and increasing the use of renewable energy sources,such as solar energy or wind power as they do not emit CO2 is a convenient possibility in order to minimize one’s footprint. Others recommend making heating, lighting and appliances more energy efficient as well as to avoid buying products with excess packaging and using environmentally friendly detergents and grooming products. 

Whatever the causes, the message is clear: If we continue consuming the earth’s resources at the current rate,we will irreversibly damage our plant. The responsibility for the future is in our hands and depends on the decisions that we make today. We can all contribute more in order to make things better!
Frage von Laura_w (ehem. Mitglied) | am 30.11.2014 - 15:43

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Antwort von matata | 30.11.2014 - 15:45
ist deine Frage im Zusammenhang mit diesem Text? Ergänze deinen Post bitte in der nächsten Antwortspalte...
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Antwort von Laura_w (ehem. Mitglied) | 30.11.2014 - 15:47
Eine Korrektur wäre super! :)

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Antwort von Ratgeber | 30.11.2014 - 21:33
Ich habe jetzt nur nach Grammatik usw. geschaut und keine gravierenden Fehler gefunden. 
Gut recherchiert und clever in eigene Formulierungen umgewandelt, bis auf einen Satz, den ich genauso im Netz gefunden habe. 

Solltet ihr dieses "Wortschatzbuch" im Unterricht verwenden, in dem ich diesen Satz gefunden habe, würde ich trotzdem eine Quellenangabe machen (Früh übt sich ein guter Rezitator..., sonst kommt man nicht weit, dafür gibt es genügend Beispiele....)

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