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Alternative energy-no, thank you. Fehler verbessern bitte :(

Frage: Alternative energy-no, thank you. Fehler verbessern bitte :(
(3 Antworten)

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Ich kann leider übertrieben schlecht Englisch kann jemand mir den Text verbessern Grammatik und Satzstellung BITTE!

In times of changing environmental awareness people are starting to think about alternative energy.
I`m going to discuss the disadvantages or advantages of the alternative energy.

The companies do not produce energy all the time, but only as much as the people need and use. The Oil companies are losing through the solar, wind and water power, many customers, because people want to live more environmentally conscious and pay attention. Thus, the turnover for these oil companies have fallen and they are always poor, or close the company.
Since alternative energy is a major competitor for the nuclear energy therefore, they produce less power than usual because many people transition from nuclear to alternative energy.
The alternative energy such as wind requires much wind and if this wind does not exist then there is no energy for people. Consequently, many an extra contract to make, because if the alternative fails energy it nor the nuclear energy use. Since it is very cumbersome and expensive, the whole wind turbines, solar and water energy to produce and set up, so many decide against it and remain in the nuclear energy. And if many people switch to alternative energy so many people lose their jobs in power plants, because nuclear power produces less and people will then no longer employed and therefore be dismissed.
On the other hand alternative energy is a natural energy thus is it good for the environment and harm ye not many environment-conscious people have opted for the alternative energy decided since it does not destroy the environment, including nuclear. And the alternative energy pollutes the air and the water is not. This makes the environment clean and the people suffer less from diseases caused by power plants, since alternative energy is not harmful. Thus, the water, the air and the sun always renewable, and can never end because the alternative energy again produced. And alternative energy is independent of the Oil companies, they can their prices always increase and decrease on the contrary to alternative energy is always the same. Through the consumption of alternative energy we save fossil fuels and it is safe for humans and the environment than nuclear. Many oil companies and many countries are increasingly struggling to Oil, but if all would use alternative energy, then there would never be a war between all, but there is enough energy for everyone.

I think it is better to use alternative energy, as it safer for people and is friendly to the environment. The alternative energy is never going to end but renewed again and again, so it is always a security to water and electricity have. An important reason is that the countries and companies can no longer fight and argue about energy.
Frage von xXElla_StyleZxX (ehem. Mitglied) | am 27.04.2009 - 18:38

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Antwort von xXElla_StyleZxX (ehem. Mitglied) | 27.04.2009 - 18:58
kann mir keiner helfen? :(

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Antwort von algieba (ehem. Mitglied) | 27.04.2009 - 19:32
"The Oil companies are losing through the solar, wind and water power, many customers, because people want to live more environmentally conscious and pay attention.": ...lose many customers through the solar, wind and water power, because people want to live more environmentally aware...
"turnover...have fallen": wenn `turnover` Singular ist, ist `have` die falsche Verbform.
"many people transition": many people change
"if this wind does not exist then there is no energy for people": Zeitform im zweiten Satz stimmt nicht; `then` is nich zwingend erforderlich.
"Consequently, many an extra contract to make": ?Verb? (require?) und wer sind die "many"?
"because if the alternative fails energy it nor the nuclear energy use": Verb steht nach dem Subjekt, nicht wie im ersten Teil dazwischen; vor `nor` ist immer ein `neither` erforderlich, aber die weder-noch-Alternativen werden nicht deutlich.
"Since it is very cumbersome and expensive, the whole wind turbines, solar and water energy to produce and set up, so many decide against it": Since it is very cumbersome and expensive to produce and set up the whole wind turbines, solar and water energy, many decide against it...
"no longer employed": no longer be employed
Im nächsten Satz: Zeitform im Zweitsatz zum if-Satz ist falsch.
"harm ye not": ?does not harm it
"environment-conscious": environmentally aware. Danach folgen zwei Verben (opted, decided), musst Dich schon für eins entscheiden (und an die richtige Stelle setzen).
"The water is not" heißt übersetzt "Das Wasser ist nicht". Was willst Du ausdrücken?
"the water, the air and the sun always renewable": Verb fehlt.
"alternative energy again produced": Verb fehlt.
"they can their prices...": Verb folgt nach dem Subjekt, nicht wie hier bei Dir nach dem Objekt.
"safe for humans...than...": Du meinst nicht `sicher` (wie Du schreibst), sondern `sicherer` (Komparativ).
"struggling to": Präposition falsch. Für den nächsten Teil des Satzes noch mal if-Satz Typ 2 anschauen.
"but there is enough...": Du meinst nicht `aber`, sondern `obwohl`, oder?
"as it safer": Verb fehlt.
"to water and electricity have": to have water and electricity

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Antwort von xXElla_StyleZxX (ehem. Mitglied) | 27.04.2009 - 20:05
Danke für deine HILFE ;)

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