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Bräuchte jm der meinen Text über renewable energy korrigiert

Frage: Bräuchte jm der meinen Text über renewable energy korrigiert
(3 Antworten)

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So haben es nun geschafft ;)

Wäre lieb, wenn ein paar von euch über den text schauen würden und mir sagen könnten was falsch ist bzw.
wie ihr ihn findet.

Und bitte nicht so streng sein :)

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The text deals with the topic of renewable energy. Renewable energy is spread even further. More and more people who are off-the-grid use solar energy systems for their own gain.
Not only homes use renewable energy, but also many companies,too.
Renewable energy, for example solar systems are easy to install and only require little maintenance. In many remote countries in the US who are off the grid, use solar panels on public telephones. Order to keep the phones up and running. It saves many kilometers wide digging of roads to lay cables. A Californian gas and electricity company has already made a step in the right direction. They supply about 150 homes with electricity from solar plants and saves a lot of money.
In addition, however, is the research is not over. Every day, the researchers try to find cheaper and better material for the production of solar panels.
Also, government could intervene to protect the environment, in the subject of renewable energies. The government might to increase taxes on fossil fuels ,to reducing the global warming. Also, they makes renewable energy more profitable for consumers.
According to experts, the hydrogen-based fuel cell systems have the best chance to prevail in the future. They are relatively cheap, renewable and environmentally friendly.

Renewable energy sources are becoming increasingly popular and are used more and more. Since the predictions made by scientists, the fossil fuels will be very exhausted for about 50 years. In addition, the convert from fossil fuels to renewable energy will protects the environment and in the future a lot of money.

There are many countries which a conversion to renewable energy even support with subsidies. In Germany you get for installing a solar systems a certain amount from the state, as support for this project.
By convert from fossil fuels to renewable energy, which still hold a few more fossil fuel reserves and global warming is slowed.

The energy industry in the US is facing a great future. More and more people are environmentally conscious and want to contribute to protecting the earth.
A good example comes from California, they serve about 150 homes with electricity by solar systems, and not by fossil fuels. The future will probably bring even more states or countries that use California as a good example and will also try to supply the homes with renewable energy.
Not only homes, also cars will probably run in the future with renewable energy. The first cars are already there , they will be operated with hydrogen-based fuel cell systems.
With government support, it could always be more.

Very few businesses or households have the money for the changeover. The Government would support any construction of renewable energy with a certain amount.
The best example we can just take the scrapping premiums ( Abwrackprämie ). People gets 2,000 euros from the state if they bought a new car and gave their old cars.
If there can organize something like that, we are for the future on the right path.

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Ganz liebe Grüße
Frage von Mandy0688 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 10.01.2010 - 12:48

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Antwort von Mandy0688 (ehem. Mitglied) | 10.01.2010 - 15:17
So viele Fehler,
dass mir keiner Helfen kann oder will ? :(

Beiträge 40305
Antwort von matata | 10.01.2010 - 15:21
Unmögliches erledigen wir sofort - Wunder dauern etwas länger !
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 10.01.2010 - 17:25
Mandy0688, du hast Recht, es sind in der Tat haufenweise Fehler in deinem Text; diese und die Länge des Textes schrecken etwas ab, denn so viel freie Zeit hat ja nicht jeder immer; dein Hauptproblem ist, dass du einen deutschen vorgeschriebenen Text übersetzt hast; dabei hast du all das, was du mal in der Sek.I über"word order" und "tenses" gelernt hast, nicht angewendet;

Ich verbessere den Text nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen, werde meine Änderungen aber nicht kennzeichnen, denn die BB-Codes sind hier sehr zeitaufwendig anzuwenden. Du musst also "meinen Text" mit deinem vergleichen.

The text deals with the topic of renewable energy. Renewable energy has spread further in the last few years.. More and more people who are off-the-grid use solar energy systems for their own gain.
Not only homes use renewable energy, but also many companies.
Renewable energy, for example solar systems, is easy to install and only requires little maintenance. Many remote states (oder meintest du "counties"=Landkreise?)in the US which are off the grid, use solar panels in order to keep public phones running. Many kilometres of digging up roads for the cables have been saved that way.. A Californian gas and electricity company has already made a step into the right direction. They supply about 150 homes with electricity from solar plants and thus save a lot of money.
In addition, however, the research is not over yet.. Every day, the researchers try to find cheaper and better materials for the production of solar panels.
The government also could intervene to protect the environment by promoting renewable energies. The government might increase taxes on fossil fuels to reduce the global warming. Also, they could make renewable energy more profitable for consumers.
According to experts, the hydrogen-based fuel cell systems have the best chance to prevail in future. They are relatively cheap, renewable and environmentally friendly.

Renewable energy sources have become increasingly popular and are more and more used, since predictions of scientistssay that fossil fuels will be exhausted in about 50 years. In addition, the conversion of fossil fuels to renewable energy will protect the environment and will save a lot of money in future.

There are many countries which support the conversion to renewable energy with subsidies. Germans, for example, get a certain amount of money from the state for installing solar systems.

By turning from fossil fuels to renewable energy the global warming will be slowed.

The energy industry in the US is facing a great future. More and more people have become environmentally conscious and want to contribute to protect the earth.
A good example comes from California: about 150 homes are powered by electricity from solar systems only. The future will probably convince even more states or countries to follow the Californian example ((((Anmerkung: du tendierst dazu, sehr redundant zu sein: du wiederholst dich z.T. innerhalb eines Satzes!))))
Not only homes, also cars will probably will run on renewable energy in the future. The first cars are already there , they will be operated with hydrogen-based fuel cell systems.
It could even be more if there were more support from the governments.

Very few businesses or households have the money for a changeover. The government should support any construction of renewable energy with a certain amount of money.
We can just take the scrapping premiums ( Abwrackprämie )in Germany as one good example. People have got 2,000 Euros from the state after they scrapped their od car and bought a new car instead.
If something like that could be organizted more often and on a broarder scale, we would be on the right path for the future


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