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Englisch comment mal gucken ob es richtig ist

Frage: Englisch comment mal gucken ob es richtig ist
(2 Antworten)

hi hab als hausaufgabe ein comment auf gehabt. hab ihn nun geschreieben, aber da ich ne null bin, wäre es nett, wenn ihr mir sagen könntet was falsch ist.

In the following comment I would like to discuss the question whether solar energy should be sponsored in Germany. What pros and cons there are?

Firstly, solar energy is environmentally-friendly. Many houses have solar energy, these families have much more money expense in the solar technology. These families have the object to save and to live adopt a greener lifestyle. So it is important, that Germany sponsored in the solar energy technology. Secondly, we can better live. In cities with many sun it is economical, to buy solar energy and don´t buy electricity from the city. In this city´s, Germany should sponsored this families.
There are also many cons. One con is that solar energy very expensive and not everyone family have this money. An important argument is, that the solar energy cost money and to put the solar energy on the roof costs also money. So it is clever to buy solar energy, when you live in a region with many sun.

I my opinion, solar energy is good and environmentally-friendly. When Germany sponsored in solar energy or help families with this act, it this perfect. Meaningless is solar energy in regions with little sun, so we should decide whether is wrong or right.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 12.12.2006 - 07:55

Antwort von GAST | 12.12.2006 - 08:03
dass denn keiner?

Antwort von GAST | 12.12.2006 - 09:30
das erste was ich sofort gesehen habe und was ein fieser fehler ist: Es heisst IN my opinion.... schau gleich nochmal genau drüber

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