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Nuclear power plants : Diskussion bitte korrigieren

Frage: Nuclear power plants : Diskussion bitte korrigieren
(1 Antwort)

Beiträge 1
Are nuclear power plants a good solution for the future?

In the following text i would like to discuss the question :"Are nuclear power plants a good solution for the future?".
Nuclear power plants produce energy with very toxic substances and the hole world get the energy from thes plants. Now in germany the nuclear power plants will be close and the politicains concentrate them on renewable energy sources like solar energy or wind energy, but these source are very expensive and not so effective like a nuclear power plant. Moreover the nuclear power plants don`t produce CO2 like a carbon plant. So they are a good solution against the global warming problem, beacause they don`t contribute to the greenhouseeffect. In the other hand the toxic waste what they produce aren`t good for the enviromental and all creatures and plants in the hole world. All in all they don`t produce CO2 and contribute to the greenhouseeffect, but they produce hazard waste witch are toxic for the enviromental. I don`t think that the nuclear power plants are a good solution for the future, beacause it`s too dangerous if they will be destroyed. The scientist must find another solution and another energy source witch don`t produce CO2 and witch produce enaught energy for the hole world.

by Enrico Martin
Frage von Enrico3110 | am 17.03.2016 - 18:52

Beiträge 2581
Antwort von Ratgeber | 17.03.2016 - 22:46
  1. In the following text I would like to discuss the question :"Are nuclear power plants a good solution for the future?".
  2. Nuclear power plants produce energy with very toxic substances and the whole world will be supplied with the energy from these plants.
  3. Now in Germany the nuclear power plants will be completely closed down and the politicians focus on renewable energy sources like solar energy or wind energy.
  4. However,
    these sources are very expensive and less effective than a nuclear power plant.
  5. Moreover the nuclear power plants don`t produce as much CO2 as carbon plants .
  6. So Therefor they are a good step towards the solution of the global warming problem, because they don`t contribute to the greenhouse effect .
  7. On the other hand the produced toxic waste damages the environment and all creatures and plants in the whole world.
  8. All in all they don`t produce CO2 and contribute to the greenhouse effect, but they produce hazard waste witch are toxic for the enviromental. (Das steht eigentlich schon in Satz 5 und 7)
  9. I don`t think that the nuclear power plants are a good solution for the future, because they are too dangerous, because accidents can still happen and they might destroy them.
  10. The scientists must find another solution and another energy source which doesn`t produce CO2 and witch produces enough energy for the whole world.

Es fehlen mir noch die Aspekte der Gefahr durch Umweltkatastrophen (s. Nuklearkatastrophe von Fukushima oder Tschernobyl), Gefahren durch den Bau von Atomwaffen

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