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Frage: Englisch-Korrekturlesen
(2 Antworten)

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Ich habe einen Aufsatz geschrieben und ich glaube, es sind ein paar Grammatik-Fehler drin. Wäre sehr nett, wenn ihr den Text korrigieren könntet.

Renewable energy produces up to now only a small part of the global electricity. As renewable all energy sources can be called which regenerate on the new one. They are sustainable available and are nearly inexhaustible. For example, water power, solar energy and the wind power are renewable. As a reaction to the high oil prices of 1973 renewable energy sources came to fashion, however as the oil prices dropped again, the interest decreased.
Only today, 30 years later, solar cells, wind energy and water power stations could create the commercial breakthrough. In the meantime, they have become considerable more efficient and less expensive. Scientifically, economically and politically it is a matter of investing in the long term in it.
The sun is the biggest and most fertile energy source them the people is available. It delivers huge energy amounts in form of radiant energy. During one day the sun contributes the 15000 fold amount on energy of the everyday need of the whole earth population.
The direct use of the solar energy occurs by solar collectors. Solar collectors catch the energy of the sun in form of radiation so that the caught energy is being converted into electric energy directly.
After the unique investment costs for the purchasing and the construction of a solar arrangement, no other costs for other fuels are needed. Although solar arrangements are very ecologically friendly, big amounts of energy are needed for their production.
Solar cells can be installed at the most different places: in the facades or on the roofs of houses, in gigantic plots in the desert, even sewed in clothes as an energy supply of portable electronic equipment.
The biggest challenge consists in reducing the price of solar cells. Thanks to improved production procedures the prices have sunk during the last ten years.
Frage von Cheburaschka (ehem. Mitglied) | am 04.03.2010 - 23:01

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Antwort von intelligenzbrot (ehem. Mitglied) | 05.03.2010 - 00:12
Up to now renewable energy only produces a small part of the global electricity. All energy sources, which regenerate on the new one,(Ich verstehe nicht was du damit ausdrücken willst!)can be called renewable. They are sustainably available and are nearly inexhaustible. Water power, solar energy and wind power are examples of renewable energies/energy sources. As a reaction to the high oil prices of 1973 renewable energy sources became popular, however as the oil prices dropped again, the interest in them decreased.

Not until today, 30 years later, solar cells, wind energy and water power stations could accomplish the commercial breakthrough. In the meantime they have become considerably more efficient and less expensive. Scientifically, economically and politically it is a matter of investing in the long term in it. (Klingt irgendwie nicht schön, weiß aber auch nicht, was du genau damit ausdrücken willst...)
The sun is the biggest and most fertile energy source available to people. It delivers huge energy amounts in form of radiant energy. During one day the sun yields the 15000-fold amount of the whole earth population`s everyday need of energy.
The direct use of solar energy occurs by solar collectors. (Was hat denn der Gebrauch mit den Kollektoren zu tun!? Geht es nicht um Herstellung? Außerdem passt "occur" in diesem Zusammenhang meiner Meinung nach nicht.) Solar collectors absorb the energy of the sun in form of radiation, so that the collected energy is converted into electric energy directly.
After the one-time investment costs(Klingt bisschen doppelt gemoppelt...) for the purchase and the construction of a solar arrangement, no further expenses for other fuels(Ich würde eher "energy sources" oder so benutzen.) are needed. Although solar arrangements are very environment-friendly, big amounts of energy are needed for their production.
Solar cells can be installed at most places: in the facades or on the roofs of houses, in gigantic areas in the desert, even sewed in clothes as an energy supply of portable electronic equipment.
The biggest challenge is to reduce the price of solar cells. Due to improved production procedures the prices have sunk during the last ten years.

Ich hoff mal das stimmt jetzt so :D

Antwort von GAST | 05.03.2010 - 18:59
"Up to now renewable energy only produces a small part of the global electricity."

"up to now"! ist ein typisches "Signalwort" für das present perfect tense!
... has only produced ....

"prices of 1973 renewable energy sources became popular, however as the oil prices dropped? again,"
nur zur inhaltlichen Klarstellung:
Zitat Wikip. "Am 17. Oktober 1973 stieg der Ölpreis von rund drei US-Dollar pro Barrel (159 Liter) auf über fünf Dollar. Dies entspricht einem Anstieg um ca. 70 Prozent. Im Verlauf des nächsten Jahres stieg der Weltölpreis auf über zwölf Dollar."

Die OPEC hat in den folg. Jahren immer an der Preisschraube gedreht; über den Ölschock von damals können wir heute nur lachen;

das "Interesse" an den erneuerbaren Energien ließ nur deswegen nach, weil sie a). zu teuer waren und b) sich die Wirtschaft durch Energiesparmaßnahmen an die höher werdenden Ölpreise anpasste;
Preissprünge wie in den letzten beiden Jahren hat es vorher nie gegeben.


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