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Englisch Übersetzung

Frage: Englisch Übersetzung
(1 Antwort)

Hallo, folgenden Text haben wir bekommen und sollen darüber eine Zusammenfassung in Englisch schreiben. Ich habe nun eine Zusammenfassung schon mal in deutsch geschrieben. Vllt kann mal jemand nachsehen, ob ich den Text soweit richtig zusammengefasst habe:

Ein italienisches Flugzeug war auf dem Weg von Mailand nach London. Der Fluglotse konnte den Piloten des Flugzeugs aber nur sehr schwer verstehen, weil dieser schlecht Englisch sprch. Der Pilot hatte eine Notfallmeldung abgesetzt. Wegen der Veständigungsprobleme konnte der Fluglotse auch nicht die Flughafenfeuerwehr benachrichtigen, wie es vorgeschrieben ist. Das Flugz. konnte schließlich sicher landen.
Untersuchungen zufolge war dieses Flugzeug bereits im letzten Jahr mit einem ausgefallenen Navigationssystem geflogen und die Landung war in letzter Sekunde abgebrochen worden.
Es ist zunehmen so, dass die Billigflieger wegen ihrer schnell wachsenden Flotte schlecht Englisch sprechendes Personal anwerben.
So und jetzt der englische Text:

Plane’s mayday call missed due to pilot’s poor English

Air Traffic controllers at Heathrow airport failed to understand two distress calls from an Italian airliner carrying 104 people because the pilot’s English pronunciation war poor.
A report published today will reveal a near complete loss of its navigational equipment in its final approach to London.
The control tower did not understand a mayday message from the plain’s captain and did not initiate usual procedures, which include putting the airport fire service on alert and clearing the runway.
Although the plane, which flew from Milan, landed safely the incident is likely to prompt concern about the quality of English spoken in cockpits. Low-cost airlines are looking increasingly far afield to recruit crew, who routinely speak English as a second or third language.
The Air Accidents Investigation Branch said the Alitalia Airbus A320 left Italy last year with one of its navigation systems out of order. On the plane’s final approach to Heathrow, a second navigational system failed and the landing was aborted.
While circling the pilot transmitted an emergency message known as a panpan call and reported the failure. But air traffic controllers did not understand another aircraft intervened. The report said the pilot hat to land manually on a point and shoot basis and transmitted a more serious mayday call asking for priority.
The report said: the mayday element of this call was not heard by the controller. This was probably due to a combination of the commander not announcing the mayday using the expected protocol and his heavily accented English, rather than any failing within air traffic control.
Language skills of aircraft crew have become an issue in the industry as budget airlines have scrambled to find staff for rapidly growing fleets.
A spokesman for the British Airline Pilots Association said: Balpa is concerned whenever there is a case of English not being properly spoken or understood. There are sometimes cases like this, although thankfully they’re very rare.

hoffe es kann mir jemand helfen *seufz*
GAST stellte diese Frage am 12.09.2006 - 18:30

Antwort von GAST | 12.09.2006 - 18:44
Air Traffic controllers at Heathrow airport failed to understand two distressED calls from an Italian airlinE carrying 104 people because the pilot’s english pronunciation waS poor.
A report published today will reveal a near complete loss of its navigational equipment in its final approach to London.(den satz kapier ich nicht)
The control tower did not understand THE mayday message from the captain and did not initiate usual procedures,
which include putting the airport fire service on alert and clearing the runway.
Although the plane, which took off in Milan, landed safely the incident is likely to prompt concern about the quality of English spEAKING in cockpits. Low-cost airlines are looking increasingly far afield to recruit crew, who routinely speak English as a second or third language.The Air Accidents Investigation Branch said the Alitalia Airbus A320 left Italy last year with one of its navigation systems out of order. On the plane’s final approach to Heathrow, a second navigational system failed and the landing was aborted.
While circling, the pilot transmitted an emergency message known as a panpan call and reported the failure. But air traffic controllers did not understand another aircraft intervened. The report said the pilot haD to land manually on a point and shoot basis and transmitted a more serious mayday call asking for priority.
The report said: the mayday element of this call was not heard by the controller. This was probably due to a combination of the commander not announcing the mayday using the expected protocol and his heavily accented English, rather than any failing within air traffic control.
Language skills of aircraft crew have become an issue in the industry as budget airlines have scrambled to find staff for rapidly growing fleets.
A spokesman for the British Airline Pilots Association said: Balpa is concerned whenever there is a case of English not being properly spoken or understood,cases like this one are more likely to happen, although thankfully they ARE very rare.

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