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Hilfe bei Übersetzung. ;)

Frage: Hilfe bei Übersetzung. ;)
(7 Antworten)

Mein Englisch Kenntniss hält sich in Grenzen. Wusste bei paar Sätzen nicht wie ich sie übersetzen sollte.

LeBron und Jill, so hieß das Ehepaar, sind seit 20 Jahren verheiratet.

Doch am 23. April 1987 passierte etwas, womit keiner rechnen konnte.

Er lief ganz normal über die Straße, als nichts ahnend ein Auto von Vorne kam und ihn mit voller Wucht erwischte.

als die Eltern von Michael erfuhren, fällt Jill in Ohnmacht und LeBron war total geschockt und fing an zu weinen und zertrümmerte einige Gegenstände aus der Wohnung.

Sie haben den Schmerz über Michael noch nicht überwunden.

Ein Junge namens Jason war im Knast, weil er ein Haus in Brand setzte.

Darum überlegte sich LeBron, dieses Jungen zu adoptieren.

Mit einigen Argumenten, gelangt es LeBron, Jill zu überzeugen, Jason zu adoptieren.

Er hatte schon mit jungen Jahren, angefangen zu rauchen. Jetzt sind es schon 2 Schachteln am Tag,

Der Krebs war so stark ausgebreitet, dass er nicht mehr lange zu leben hatte.
LeBron war sprachlos und wusste nicht, was er sagen sollte.

Wäre nett, wenn mir einer helfen könnte. Die sätzen klingen bei mir in Englisch irgendwie doof.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 28.08.2006 - 19:18

Beiträge 40306
Antwort von matata | 28.08.2006 - 19:26
Stell deinen Entwurf ins Netz,
dann kann ich ihn dir korrigieren.
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 28.08.2006 - 20:23
When it rains, it pours.

Once upon a time a quite normal family. There was a father, a mother and a child.
One day, her life changed all of a sudden. The family had to suffer many losses.
Nothing was as well as earlier. However, what was done? LeBron and Jill, so the married couple was called, are married for 20 years. 12 years ago they have got a child. He was called Michael. He drove passionately skateboard with his young years. .Many said, it would be an exception talent. However, on the 23rd April, 1987 something happened what nobody could count on. Michael wanted to go with his skateboard to a friend. Besides, he heard music. This time he drove another way, than the usual ones. He ran quite normally through the street when unsuspectingly a car from In front came and got him with full force. The driver crossed a red traffic light and was to quick. Michael was flung 10 m in the air and to bang one`s head on the ground. He was dead right away. When the parents got to know from Michael, Jill falls in faint and LeBron was totally shocked and caught in to cry and smashed some objects from the flat. Since the accident passed some time. Jill and LeBron have resolved to get no more own children. They have not overcome pain about Michael yet. There passed again some time. LeBron was a lawyer. He had a difficult case to solve. A boy called Jason was in the jail because he set on fire a house. He was 16 years old and had no parents. Jasons parents are divorced. The father of Jason ran away and from the mother, no track. However, LeBron knew that the boy was only at the wrong time at the wrong place. He know that Jason is not a bad boy. This is why considered LeBron to adopt this boy. Jill wasn`t very responsive when I suggested it to her. With some arguments, it reaches LeBron to persuade Jill, to adopt Jason. However, Jason may commit no more criminal offence, but he comes again to the jail.
In a while, Jason settled in. Jill, LeBron and Jason were a happy family. Jill was an easy housewife and LeBron was, as already said, lawyer. He had a quite stressful life. This is why he smoked a lot. He already started to smoke with young years. Now these are already 2 boxes during the day. However, this should change fast. On the 3rd May, 1999 LeBron was seriously ill. He went to the doctor to let examine. There he got the awful news. He had lung cancer. The cancer was spread out so strongly that he was beyond remedy. .LeBron was shocked and did not know what he should say. Stunnedly, he came at home and told it to Jill and Jason. The mother fell again in faint and Jason was absolutely sad. He wanted to vent one`s wrath on so. LeBron calmed him and explained to him that now it is important that the family holds together. LeBron would not in the hospital. He wanted to die at home. There passed a year. When Jason of the school came home, he saw his mother weeping on the knees and on the sofa the father lay. He was dead. Thenceforward Jill and Jason lived alone.

Beiträge 40306
Antwort von matata | 29.08.2006 - 00:26
When it rains, it pours.

Once a time there was a quite normal family. There were father, mother and a child.
One day, her life changed suddently. The family had to suffer of severe losses.
Nothing was as well as before. However, what happen’t? LeBron and Jill, so the married couple was called, were married for 20 years. 12 years ago they have got a child. He was called Michael. He drove passionately skateboard in his young years. Quite a few said, he would have an exceptional talent. However, on the 23rd April, 1987 something happened what nobody could reckon on with. Michael would to see a friend by skateboard . By the way, he listended to music. This time he drove another way, than the usual one. He ran quite normally through the street as a car came in from of him and striked him with vehemence. The driver crossed a red traffic light and was to quick. Michael was catapulted 10 m in the air and banged on the ground with his head.. He was dead in a moment. When the parents heard about Michael, Jill falls in faint and LeBron was totally shocked and caught in to cry and smashed some objects in the flat. After the accident some time passed. Jill and LeBron had resolved to not have more own children. They have not got the pain about Michael yet. There passed again some time. LeBron was a lawyer. He had a difficult case to solve. A boy called Jason was in the jail because he set a house on fire . He was 16 years old and had no parents. Jasons parents were divorced. Jason’s father ran away and from the mother, no track. However, LeBron knew that the boy was only at the wrong time at the wrong place. He knows that Jason is not a bad boy. For this reason he considered to adopt this boy. Jill wasn`t very pleased when I suggested it to her. With some arguments, LeBron reached to convince her. However, Jason promised to not commit any criminal offences, but he came to the jail again.
In a while, Jason settled in. Jill, LeBron and Jason were a happy family. Jill was a good housewife and LeBron was, as already said, a lawyer. He had a quite stressful life. For this reason he smoked a lot. He already started to smoke with young years. Now he reached already 2 boxes a day. However, this should change fast. On 3rd May, 1999 LeBron was seriously ill. He went to the doctor for a check. . There he got the awful news. He had lung cancer. The cancer was spread out so strongly that he was beyond remedy. .LeBron was shocked and didn’t not know what he should say. Depressed, he came home and told it to Jill and Jason. The mother fell again in faint and Jason was absolutely sad. He wanted to vent his wrath on some one. LeBron calmed him and explained that now it would be important that the family holds together. LeBron would not go in to thehospital. He wanted to die at home. There passed a year. When Jason came home from school, he saw his mother weeping on the knees and his father was laying on the sofa. He was dead. Afterwards Jill and Jason lived alone.

Es tut mir leid, dass ich so spät dran bin. Ich hatte noch viel zu tun mit meiner eigenen Arbeit. Fehlerfrei ist der Text noch nicht. Dazu hätte ich das ganze deutsche Original gebraucht. Wenn Lehrer/Lehrerin motzen, kannst du es auf mich schieben. Sie kennen mich ja nicht....
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 29.08.2006 - 00:40
es heißt once upon a time...
und außerdem sag t man zu family nicht her... sie ist nicht weiblich wie im deutschen. also heißt es wohl eher their life suddenly changed...
soviel zu den ersten zwei sätzen. bin jetzt zu müde mir alles durchzulesen

Antwort von GAST | 29.08.2006 - 00:43
the family had to suffer FROM a severe loss

Antwort von GAST | 29.08.2006 - 00:44
wenn das früher gepostet wäre, hätte ich dir noch alles durchkorrigieren können , aber jetzt ist es zu spät. und die übersetzung von matata wimmelt von fehlern

Antwort von GAST | 29.08.2006 - 00:48
LeBron und Jill, so hieß das Ehepaar, sind seit 20 Jahren verheiratet.
-> LeBron and Jill are married since 20 years

Doch am 23. April 1987 passierte etwas, womit keiner rechnen konnte.
-> Bu at April 23rd 1987 something happens that was not to be expected

Er lief ganz normal über die Straße, als nichts ahnend ein Auto von Vorne kam und ihn mit voller Wucht erwischte.
-> Es usually walked over the street.But then a car appeared und hit him in a hard way.

Als die Eltern von Michael erfuhren, fällt Jill in Ohnmacht und LeBron war total geschockt und fing an zu weinen und zertrümmerte einige Gegenstände aus der Wohnung.
-> When the parents of Michael have heared about it, Jill faint and LeBron was totally shocked and started crying und destroy some things in the flat.

Sie haben den Schmerz über Michael noch nicht überwunden.
-> They even don´t outgrow the pain.

Ein Junge namens Jason war im Knast, weil er ein Haus in Brand setzte.
-> A boy called Jason was in Jail,because he burned down a house.

Darum überlegte sich LeBron, dieses Jungen zu adoptieren.
-> That´s why LeBron think about adobting this boy.

Mit einigen Argumenten, gelangt es LeBron, Jill zu überzeugen, Jason zu adoptieren.
-> With some good arguments, LeBron can convince Jill to adobt Jason.

Er hatte schon mit jungen Jahren, angefangen zu rauchen. Jetzt sind es schon 2 Schachteln am Tag.
-> He started smoking early. Now he smokes two boxes per day.

Der Krebs war so stark ausgebreitet, dass er nicht mehr lange zu leben hatte.
-> The cancer dwelled on him,so he died early.

LeBron war sprachlos und wusste nicht, was er sagen sollte.
-> LeBron was shocked and didn´t know what to say. hier hast ne übersetzung von mir...freie übersetzung von jmd.,der das Englisch Lk-abi mit 09 punkten abgeschlossen hat...
wenn´s dir net gefällt,is es net meine schuld ;)



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