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Englisch Übersetzung bitte korriegieren!

Frage: Englisch Übersetzung bitte korriegieren!
(3 Antworten)

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Read the given words and form a sentence. Mind the right tenses! Afterwards, put the sentence into the negative.

Example: Peter – (to) like – Harry Potter films – (to) watch
(a): Peter likes to watch Harry Potter films.
(b): Peter doesn’t like to watch Harry Potter films.

(1) Jane – yesterday – (to) be – at school – very good
(a)Jane was very good on the school yesterday.
(b) Jane wasnt very good on the school yesterday.

(2) You – (to) buy – there – things – can – expensive
(a)You can bought things there expensiv
(bYou cant bought things there expensiv.

(3) my – (to) work – tomorrow – full-time – father – in his office.
(a)My father work tomorrow full-time in his office.
(b)My father doesnt work tomorrow at full-time in his office.

(4) Peter – the courage – (to) have – for a year – to go to Germany
(a)Peter have the courage for a year to go to
(b) Peter havent the courage for a year to go to

(5) my mother – in the garden – (to) do – usually – some work – on Saturdays
(a)My mother usually some work in the garden on Saturdays.
(b) My mother never some work in the garden on Saturdays.

(6) Kate – tickets – (to) get – the day before yesterday – for a rock concert
(a)Kate get the day before yesterday tickets for a rock concert.
(b) Kate dont get the day before yesterday tickets for a rock concert.

(7) Many girls – (to) become – (to) dream – models
(a)Many girls dream to become models.
(b)No girls dream to become models.

Vielen Dank im vorraus :)!
Frage von Linn1 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 19.11.2013 - 10:20

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Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 19.11.2013 - 12:01

Example: Peter – (to) like – Harry Potter films – (to) watch
(a): Peter likes to watch Harry Potter films.
(b): Peter doesn’t like to watch Harry Potter films.

(1) Jane – yesterday – (to) be – at school – very good
(a)Jane was very good at the school yesterday.
(b) Jane wasnt very good on the school yesterday.

(2) You – (to) buy – there – things – can – expensive
(a)You can buy expensive things there.
(bYou can`t bought things there expensiv.

(3) my – (to) work – tomorrow – full-time – father – in his office.
(a)My father will work full-time in his office tomorrow.
(b)My father won`t work tomorrow [---] full-time in his office tomorrow.

(4) Peter – the courage – (to) have – for a year – to go to Germany
(a)Peter has the courage to go to
Germany for a year
(b) Peter doesn`t have the courage to go to
Germany for a year

(5) my mother – in the garden – (to) do – usually – some work – on Saturdays
(a)My mother usually does some work in the garden on Saturdays.
(b) My mother never does some work in the garden on Saturdays.

(6) Kate – tickets – (to) get – the day before yesterday – for a rock concert
(a)Kate got tickets for a rock concert the day before yesterday.
(b) Kate didn`t get tickets for a rock concert the day before yesterday.

(7) Many girls – (to) become – (to) dream – models
(a)Many girls dream to become models.
(b)No girl dreams to become a model.

Du musst dir dringends den Aufbau englischer Aussagesätze einprägen!

Hier findest du Hilfe:

und beachte : "tomorrow / yesterday..." sind Signalwörter, die dir signalisieren, dass du eine ganz bestimmte Zeit verwenden musst; auch hier hilft ego4u:

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Antwort von Ini971 (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.11.2013 - 14:33
Ich muss haithabu in zwei Punkten korrigieren:
(1) Jane – yesterday – (to) be – at school – very good
(a)Jane was very good at school yesterday.
(b) Jane wasn`t very good in school yesterday.

(2) You – (to) buy – there – things – can – expensive
(a)You can buy expensive things there.
(bYou can`t buy things there expensiv.

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Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.11.2013 - 14:56
Ich muss haithabu in zwei Punkten korrigieren:
(1) Jane – yesterday – (to) be – at school – very good
(a)Jane was very good at school yesterday.
(b) Jane wasn`t very good in school yesterday.

(2) You – (to) buy – there – things – can – expensive
(a)You can buy expensive things there.
(bYou can`t buy things there expensiv.

Ich hatte aus Zeitgründen nur den positiven Satz korrigiert; im negativen Satz habe ich die entsprechend zu
ändernden Stellen fett markiert;

wahrscheinlich habe ich damit einige intellektuell überfordert; denn dass ich in zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Sätzen solche Fehler mache - und diese dann auch hervorhebe - ...Schwamm drüber.

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