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Newspaper article

Frage: Newspaper article
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Wir sollen morgen in der Klausur wahrscheinlich einen zeitungsartikel über waisen in indien schreiben, bisschen ausgefallen allerdings fällt mir dazu nicht so viel ein, hab aber schonmal angefangen.. wäre über ratschläge und verbesserungen sehr dankbar!

Imagine, one morning you wake up, you feel kissed by the sun and birds are twittering outside in the garden. Your mummy brings your daily breakfast and as far as you`re ready your daddy will carry you to school.
Everything`s fine, isn`t it?
And now imagine you wake up with back pain because you slept another night on the floor, hearing your stomach growl because there was no chance to get any food the day before, Rats are your best friends because they can`t kill or reveal you and the only thing you wish the most is to survive this day.
It`s about the destiny of many indian children. Between Bollywood and American Companies hiring in india, it may be hard to believe that india has an orphan crisis.
Left by their parents, because they can`t care anymore or died because of illness, the indian children has to find a new home, for the most the street builds their new home.
According to the latest 2010 survey 6,8% of total children are orphans, many of them homeless.
Of course india has orphanages but the business of compassion suppresses the really important needs. India has a high rate of criminality and many orphanages exploit the extremly sad situation of the children. Making them blind or cripple them in order to use them for begging.
It`s a business.
The homeless and orphaned children got crippled and have to earn money with compassion and for that they got a place for sleep, shelter and food.
Frage von WildChild (ehem. Mitglied) | am 08.05.2012 - 21:44

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