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Zeitungsbericht zum Buch "Holes"

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The digging is over

Camp Green Lake gets closed. Two young boys become millionaires.
Texas: Last week Camp Green Lake, a camp for young offendas, got closed. Ms. Morengo, the young attorney of Stanley Yelnats V[, found out that Ms. Walker was not leading a recorrection camp, but a torture. She was making the boys dig one 5x5 foot big hole everyday in the hot sun, in between rattlesnakes, scorpions and the dangerous yellow spotted lizards. Stanley Yelnats, one of the almost thirty-five diggers in the Camp, was innocent , and became a "lucky dog". When Ms. Morengo wanted to get him, Ms. Walker said she could not take him with her, because she did not have the right papers; in truth Stanley had run away a few weeks ago. On the next day, Ms. Morengo came back, and found Stanley, together with his friend and also digger at CGL, Hector Zeroni, in a big hole covered by a dozen of yellow spotted lizards. No one got hurt! A discussion and the strange behavior of Ms. Walker about a chest Stanley and Hector had with them, made Ms. Morengo believe that something was not right at this Camp. Later she wanted the file of Hector, to take him with her and Stanley, too, but it was apparently misplaced. Ms. Morengo took the young boys with her, and an investigation at Camp Green Lake started. The Camp got closed, and in a few years it will be opened as a Girls Scout camp.
A few days later Stanley and Hector, both living in poor conditions, became millionaires with the contents of the chest, which once belonged to Stanley Yelnats ][, and was robbed and dug in by the outlaw Katherine Barlow. As we got to know, Ms. Walker had been looking for this treasure for years, and that is the reason she made the boys dig.
Happily, the Yelnats family told us, they had found Ms. Zeroni, Hector's mother, who had had to leave her son years ago, and could bring them together.

Die Aufgabe war, einen Zeitungsbericht über das Ende des Buches zu schreiben, als Stanley und Zero nach Hause können, und die Behandlung im Camp ans Licht kommt. (342 Wörter)
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  • Frage über Holes Buch!
    Hey Leuet =) ich brauche dringend eine antwort von dieser Frage: Give a description of Camp Green Lake? Aus dem Buch Holes ..
  • Holes
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    Hallo alle zusammen Hat jemand eine zusammenfassung von dem Buch "holes" von Louis Sacher Danke
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    Hat jemand mal in Englisch ein Portfolio zu dem Buch "Holes" von Louis Sachar gemacht? Ist echt wichtig... LG Glücksbärchi :)
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