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Lisicky, Paul-Snapshot:The couple`s life: Korrigieren,bitte!

Frage: Lisicky, Paul-Snapshot:The couple`s life: Korrigieren,bitte!
(2 Antworten)

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Hausaufgabe zu snapshot, paul lisicky
- Write the story of the couple`s life

After their long friendship about 5 years, they married in the year 1939.
Both of them were nicely and formed. But something in their relationship has always been different. He dreams about Florida and about developing new cities but she thought about children and family. In 1940 their first child, Paul was born and everything looks like a lucky, young couple. They go into the holiday, build their own house and turned into the everyday. But for the father, this wasn’t enough. He wants to see the whole world, will be famous and wants the people to remember his name. Therefore he wasn’t often at home even if his family needed him. More and more they clashed. So she looks for other guys, what was easy for her with her pink mouth, blond hair like wheat and tanned skin. With the times they lived apart in. But 6 years later abruptly everything changes. The father doesn’t come home for 5 days and the family doesn’t know where he is. Suddenly the phone rings and a policeman with a deep, quiet voice begins to speak. ‘I’m sorry, but we regret to inform you, that your husband died last night’. She couldn’t believe what he was trying to teach her. Her husband should be dead? This couldn’t be real! The policeman goes on: ‘It was suicide’. The reason was clear. He must have ransacked her things and get tips of her double life with him and the neighbour. The same day, she write a farewell letter and jump in front of a train.
Frage von mrs.vici (ehem. Mitglied) | am 30.09.2011 - 21:58

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Antwort von matata | 30.09.2011 - 22:39
Wo kann man den Originaltext lesen zu deiner Aufgabe? Deinen Text soll man vermutlich korrigieren.
Aber das geht nur, wenn wir das Original auch kennen.
________________________ - Team

Antwort von GAST | 01.10.2011 - 05:56
In dem e-hausi-Archiv findest du die folg. "Geschichte":
GK-E 31.08.04
‘Snapshot, Harvey Cedars 1948’ – Finishing the story

Now looking at this picture makes me feel kind of strange. I put the photo back on his usual place. Years ago, he looked very handsome. There are some pictures from the beginning of his lunacy, he was fit, not overtrained. Then it started. Gradually he started making those cures with Primobolan, Spiropent and whatever they are called. My mom and him did not stay together that long, strictly speaking they separated when I was three. I stayed with my mom, but soon she started taking antidepressives, so I had to move to my aunt, her sister. She told me about her not being able to be happy, not being able to understand even the whole world and to tell apart whats wrong or right. My aunt taught me than, that every use of antibiotics is a cause for concern. It took not that long till my mother came into the neurological clinic. We were very confident for her recovery, till she was found one morning in her room, having cut her pulse vein. It was too late, she could not be helped. But I don’t know, that is now long ago.
My father was still living his dream, by building and building naturally with his cures. He had a steep carrier but as it was going higher and higher to the top, suddenly there was this turning point and all he had dreamed and worked for was lost. He was not realizing himself falling from his anabolic-steroid-mountain into a deep hole, never getting out of it again. At first it was his liver, it extended, but the doctor said the cardiac infarction was the main thing. Now I am sitting here next to him at the bedsidesickbed. He is pale, very thin and weak. He even can not stand up to go to the toilet. They called me and said I should come. I expected it, anyway. They said his liver started haemorrhaging. The blood running out of the liver could not being stopped. I understood. That was the way it had to end, wasn’t it?

Ich habe diesen Text jetzt nicht korrigiert: der Hauptfehler liegt darin, dass der letzte Satz der Geschichte nicht beachtet wird: der Vater beginnt Selbstmord - 20 Jahre nach der Aufnahme des Bildes - durch einen Revolverschuss in die Stirn.


@ matata, den Originaltext findest du bei Klett "Twenty-one new short short stories"

After their long friendship for about 5 years, they married in the year 1939. Both of them were good-loking. But something in their relationship was different. He
dreamt about Florida and about developing new cities but she thought about children and a family. In 1940 (1) their first child, Paul was born and everything looks like a happy, young couple. They go into the holiday, build their own house and turn ineveryday. But for my father, this wasn’t enough. He wantedto see the whole world, wanted to be famous and wanted people to remember his name. Therefore he wasn’t often at home even when our family needed him. More and more they clashed. So Mom looked for other guys, which was easy for her with her pink mouth, blond hair like wheat and tanned skin. With the times they lived apart. But 6 years later everything changed abruptly. father didn’t come home for 5 days and the family didn’t know where he was. Suddenly the phone rang and a policeman with a deep, quiet voice
began to speak. ‘I’m sorry, but we regret to inform you, that your husband died last night’. She couldn’t believe what he was trying to tell her. Her husband should be dead? This couldn’t be real! The policeman goes on: ‘It was suicide’. The reason was clear. He must have ransacked her things and got tips of her double life with him and the neighbour. The same day, she wrote a farewell letter and jumped in front of a train

(1) Beachte: das Bild wurde 1948 in Harvey Cedarseinem Badeort in Nedw Jersey aufgenommen - es scheint ein Bilde von ihrem "honeymoon" zu sein (cf die "verliebte Pose"); von daher passt das Datum 1940 nicht! Du müsstest sonst auch "Paul" als "your brother" und "their first child" einführen - schließlich ist der Erzähler der story ja ein first person narrator ("my mother ...)

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