Könnte das jemand bitte für mich kontrollieren ?
Frage: Könnte das jemand bitte für mich kontrollieren ?(4 Antworten)
... they heard some dogs barking. The fear rose in them. Flashback "Dylan please, let’s go." "Oh come on Lauren, don`t be such a spoilsport, like always." "Dylan you know I’m just someone who want to be on the safe side of life." "Safe side of life ... hahaha ... , you have to take some risks to have fun in your life." "But breaking into a swimming pool is punishable." "Just forget your guilty conscience and live for the moment. Please, they will not notice us." "Hopefully." Flashback end Lauren you have to run faster. Otherwise they will get us soon. Exactly at this moment Lauren stumbled and fell. Dylan realized that quick und run back to her to help her getting up. The couple looked back and saw two cops with a dog and the angry caretaker of the swimming pool came up to them. Dylan imagined what consequences her behavior could have and shortly after that he gets a guilty conscience because he persuaded Lauren to come up with him. Me and my silly ideas, he muttered for himself. Stop crying and run, said Lauren. Yeah you`re right Lauren, we have almost reached the car. The couple did not realize that with Lauren`s fall, her purse fall out of her small bag. They run down the street and meanwhile they`re running Dylan took the key from his trouser pocket. When they reached the car Dylan opened it and Lauren looked back and realized that no one follow them anymore. "I think they lost us or we were faster than them" Dylan also looked back and realized the same "You see Lauren, you can just have fun if you are ready to take risks." "Oh shut up Dylan and get in the car. We only had a bit of luck which is not happening very often lately." While the two young people get in the car, 500 meters of them the three followers found Lauren`s purse and open it. On various credit cards stands Lauren`s address. The three decided to visit her in the evening. "Like I said Lauren you are a spoilsport." "Dylan if you say that again I get out the car and walk home." "Spoilsport, spoilsport." said Dylan to annoy his girlfriend. Lauren flushed and tensed. She opened the car and while she wants to get out she said to Dylan. "You want it that way Dylan you`re like a child and your decisions will take you someday in a bad situation from which you no longer get out so easy. Remember my words Dylan, you are no longer a child. You have to take responsibility for your behavior." Dylan winced and answered her. "I know Lauren. You`re right like always. I`m sorry. Please forgive me. I will never bring us in such a situation. I`m really sorry." If you are really sorry why are you playing cool. Sometimes I cannot understand you. But you know I cannot be angry for a long time. Apology arrived, let us go. We still have to buy some things in the supermarket for dinner." They drove off, in time to arrive before closing time. DANKE |
Frage von max_92 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 29.06.2013 - 20:49 |
Antwort von matata | 29.06.2013 - 20:51 |
Zu welchem Buch oder zu welcher Story gehört dieser Text? ________________________ e-Hausaufgaben.de - Team |
Antwort von max_92 (ehem. Mitglied) | 30.06.2013 - 00:40 |
Des hätte ich dazuschreiben müssen, ist mein erster post sry. Write the story till the end.(Die Aufgabe) "Come on, hurry" Dylan shouted "They are all over us. We will never make ist" laurel shouted back. The group could feel them coming behind them .... |
Antwort von haithabu (ehem. Mitglied) | 30.06.2013 - 09:02 |
Zitat: |
Antwort von max_92 (ehem. Mitglied) | 30.06.2013 - 14:09 |
![]() |
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