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Frage: englisch übersetzung
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da ich nicht der beste im Englisch bin, bräuchte ich jemanden der meinen text korrigieren kann.
Hier ist der Text:

Bantu Education Act of 1953

In 1953 the South African Government created a law with several aspects of the apartheid system. Before the law was passed, 90% of the black people were on missionary schools, but they were also state-supported. Its major provision was enforced separation of races in all educational institutions, and it could therefore also different expenditure for the various school systems are made.
In 1959 the national party decided a new law, which banned all black students of white universities; bush universities for the black people were established concurrently.
At the beginning of the 60s, there was a large increase in black students, but the investment by the government was not increased, the standard of black schools got even worse. Teacher-Students circumstances were increased of 46:1 in 1955 up to 58:1 in 1967. Another problem was that only 10% of all teachers the South African Martic had, in other words a degree.
In the years 1962 to 1971 were the largest Townships Johannesburg, Soweto no secondary school built, although the number of residents and students have increased. The government focused on the development of training institutes in the black for the country planned to be home.
By the strong economic growth in the early 1970s, the situation changed. Many companies need trained workers, which were not available. The Department of Bantu Education reacted quickly and already in 1974 issue is 40 new schools in Soweto.
But in 1975 Economic Together case occurred, there was no more money to many the schools to maintain. The government leaves in the training of a white child 15 times more than the cost of a black.

vielen dank
GAST stellte diese Frage am 21.05.2008 - 17:45

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