Comment: Should smoking in restaurants be banned?
Statement: „Every smoker should be free to decide where and when to smoke“
I think that every smoker should decide by himself where to smoke because here in Germany everyone has the freedom to decide by himself what he wants to do.
I think the ban in restaurants is okay because it’s very disgusting when you’re eating and your neighbour blows the smoke to your face and you have got this terrible stink in your nose.
But when you’re outside you can go away from the stink and then you won’t smell it. The problem is that non-smokers go to smokers to talk with them so it’s their problem to smell the smoke and not mine. And they shouldn’t be angry because of the fact that I smoke in front of them. They don’t have to come to the smokers’ room. It’s their own decision.
In addition I think that alcoholics should be banned from the streets. I don’t want my children to see them drunken on the streets at midday. They maybe will get scared of them but they won’t get scared because of a smoker.
Now, I hope it’s clear and comprehending why I think that everyone should decide by himself where or when he smokes.
Kommentar auf Englisch: Ist ein Rauchverbot in Restaurants sinnvoll?
Kurzes Statement: Rauchverbot OK, da Rauch in Restaurants unappettitlich ist, aber im FReien ist man anderen Gasen ausgesetzt; schließlich betont der Autor, er sehe auch ein Alkoholverbot auf der Straße. Letztlich solle aber jeder selber entscheiden, wo und wann er raucht.
Zahl der (247 Wörter)
Kurzes Statement: Rauchverbot OK, da Rauch in Restaurants unappettitlich ist, aber im FReien ist man anderen Gasen ausgesetzt; schließlich betont der Autor, er sehe auch ein Alkoholverbot auf der Straße. Letztlich solle aber jeder selber entscheiden, wo und wann er raucht.
Zahl der (247 Wörter)
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