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Frage: englischen Text bitte mal verbessern
(3 Antworten)

Do you think that smoking should be prohibited completely in public in Germany?

Nowadays many people are against smoking.
This topic is very controversial in the media. Many people discuss about this topic.

Smoker and non-smoker have different arguments. Many non-smoker feel annoyed by smokers. If they go to a restaurant, they don’t want, that there are smoking, because it is simply disturbs. Smoking is very expensive. A packet of cigarettes costs almost 5 euros in Germany. Smokers could invest this money much more appropriately. For example for clothes, Restaurant visits or for her organization of the leisure time activities. Of course the most important argument against smoking is the health danger. Many smokers die of cancer. Or they die as non-smokers more than 10 years earlier. It is good that more and more smokers are stopping the smoking.

Of course many smokers argue completely differently. They feel reduced in their personal liberty and would not like to be kept in tutelage by the non-smokers. Their arguments are the taxes which must be increased if more and more people would stop smoking.

In my opinion it’s therefore right that smoking ban is valid in public. Primarily children must be protected. And it is importantly and correctly that the teenagers can not buy easily cigarettes.

Brauche es bis morgen, daher bitttttte mal korrigieren, danke
GAST stellte diese Frage am 30.09.2007 - 17:07

Antwort von GAST | 30.09.2007 - 17:15
Zeile 4: that there are smoking people (oder smokers)

Zeile 5: because it simply is disturbing

Zeile 8: das "the" for leisure muss weg

Zeile 9: Or they die more than 10 years earlier than...

Zeile 10: mora and more smokers stop smoking

Zeile 13: taxes which had to be increased

letzter Satz: its important and correct that teenagers can`t buy cigarettes easily

Antwort von GAST | 30.09.2007 - 17:49
öhh in zeile 9 was willst du das sagen? viele raucher steben an krebs. oder sie sterben 10 jahre früher als nichtraucher. hää?
meinst du vielleicht 10 jahre später wenn sie schon aufgehört haben? oder wenn sie aufgehört haben 10 jahre früher als nichtraucher?
oder ohne aufgehört zu haben 10 jahre früher als nichtraucher?

Antwort von GAST | 30.09.2007 - 17:52
Ich denke dass soll soviel heissen wie:

"raucher sterben an Krebs und außerdem früher als Nichtrauer" oder so ähnlich^^

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