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Kurzvortrag: Bitte korrigieren

Frage: Kurzvortrag: Bitte korrigieren
(3 Antworten)

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Ich muss ein Vortrag über Zigaretten machen. Es wäre nett, wenn jemand den text verbessern könnte:

Today I would like to tell you some about cigarettes. Cigarettes belong to the Drugs, but they are legal drugs.

Now I tell you the history of cigarettes:
The tabacco plant comes from America. There used to ritual reasons. As Columbus came to the Bahamas, he was presented by the Aboriginal. For example tabbacco. Finally the seafaring brought the tabacco to Europe. In Europe this became then smoke to the fashion. But in the 16. And 17 centuries was smoking illegal. For example in turkey and Russia. But a part of countries desired taxes (Steuern). For example England. Finally, after the second world war there weren’t more rules for smokers. Later came the first studies about smoking.
Today it gives 2000 different cigarettes and all cigarettes have a other taste. And they have different nicotine or teer in it for example.
Today it gives e-cigarettes. A part of people say, that the e-cigarettes are dangerous as the normal cigarettes .

What happens if you want to stop smoking?
If you want to stop with the smoking, you will become Withdrawal symptoms. That can be fall out differently. A part of people feel no symptoms, but the other part feel difficulty symptoms.
So if you want to stop smoking, you will smoking more and you will feel sick. You will be very hungry and it is a hard time. You can be a bad mood (Laune) and you can’t sleep, also you will have sleepnessless Schlafstörungen).
Today it gives subtitute with the cigarettes. For example tablets or spray.
Frage von Michi7112000 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 20.01.2016 - 16:39

Beiträge 1559
Antwort von LsD | 20.01.2016 - 21:24
Today I would like to tell you something about cigarettes. Cigarettes belong to the group of drugs, but they are legal drugs.

Now I tell you the history of cigarettes:
The tabacco plant comes from America. There it was used for ritual reasons. When Columbus came to the Bahamas, he was presented by the Aboriginal (?). For example tabbacco. Finally the seafaring brought the tabacco to Europe. In Europe this became then smoking became a fashion. But in the 16. and 17 centuries smoking was illegal. For example in Turkey and Russia. But some of the countries claimed taxes (Steuern). For example England. Finally, after the second world war there weren’t more rules for smokers. Later came the first studies about smoking.

--> Sorry, aber das sind zu viele Punkte, die man korrigieren müsste. Versuche bitte nicht, 1:1 aus dem Deutschen zu übersetzen oder den Google-Translator zu verwenden
________________________ - Team

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Antwort von Michi7112000 (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.01.2016 - 21:40
ich wollte bloß sagen, dass ich das alleine übersetzt habe und nicht vom Google-Translater ;).....hoffentlich geht das andere.
Aber trz Danke für deine Hilfe.

Beiträge 2581
Antwort von Ratgeber | 20.01.2016 - 23:16
Fortsetzung der Korrektur von LsD:

Today there are 2000 different brands of cigarettes (Zigarettenmarken) and they all taste different , because .
they have different nicotine or tar content.
Today you can buy e-cigarettes. Some people say, that e-cigarettes are more/less (mehr oder weniger, kommt drauf an was Du sagen willst) dangerous than normal cigarettes.

What happens if you want to stop smoking?
If you want to stop smoking , you may get withdrawal symptoms, which can be different. Some people won’t feel any symptoms, others may feel severe symptoms, such as you feel sick, you are very hungry, you are in a bad mood and you have sleep disturbances.
That’s why you shouldn’t start quitting smoking without medical assistance. He may help you with nicotine substitutes such as nicotine patches and tablets against your symptoms.

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