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A Holiday in America - Ein Urlaub in Amerika

Alles zu LandeskundeLast year my older brother got a scholarship at the University of Illinois near Chicago.
My older brother Martin worked as an intern at EA Games in San Francisco. So we thought it would be a great idea to visit him and do a round-trip along the west coast of America. After a 13 hour flight and a stopover in Washington we finally reached our first destination
San Francisco. San Francisco is a great city. It’s built on 43 hills. We went up and down the steep streets in one of the famous cable cars- like in a roller coaster.
We also went to see Golden Gate Bridge (difficult because there is usually so much fog)
Golden Gate Park, Chinatown and many other famous sights. One day we took the fairy to Alcatraz, the famous former prison situated on an island.
My brother showed us all around the huge EA-Games site and we played the latest computer games.
Our tour along the west coast took us to Sacramento and on to Lake Tahoe, a huge lake surrounded by mountains also called the Switzerland of America. Then we drove through Yosemite National Park which is really fantastic with mountains of smooth rounded rocks, forests and lakes. We usually stayed 2 days in each city on our way.
Back on Highway 1 along the coast we spent some time on the beach in Monterey, swimming, surfing and watching huge whales, sea lions, seals and herds of dolphins play and jump. We also visited the elegant beach in Santa Barbara, where millionaires have their estates and Solvang, a town which looks exactly like an old Danish town.
The next important stop was Las Vegas, where we stayed in a fantastic hotel that looked like a huge castle. Las Vegas was amazing because there are gigantic neon signs everywhere and hundred of casinos in every hotel, shop or restaurant. The hotels are theme parks in themselves-for example there is Venice as a hotel with Canale Grande, gondolas, Marcus Place or Paris with Eiffelturm, Paris Opera or Caesar’s Palace which looks like a Roman City of the past with parks, water fountains or aquariums in the hotel.
Then we drove many hours to Los Angeles where we stayed in a hotel in Hollywood, next to the Kodak building. We went on the Walk of Fame and spent a day to see the Universal Studios, which was really great and interesting.
Then we took the plane to New York where we spent 4 days visiting the Empire State Building, Ground Zero, Times Square and fashionable Fifth Avenue and so on.
We also made a boat tour on the Hudson River- around the island of Manhattan, where there’s the town centre, then past the Statue of Liberty, the island of New Jersey, Brooklyn Bridge and back.
New York consists of 5 boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Richmond and Staten Island. The sky-scrapers are enormous but New York is very crowded and noisy and in some parts it’s rather dirty.
I liked San Francisco best because it is a beautiful town and it’s not so hot even in summer.
I also enjoyed surfing on the beach. My dad bought us surf boards and we soon learned how to jump over the waves.
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