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Referat: Vietnam War English

Alles zu USA - History

Vietnam War

1. 1945/46 Declaraion of independence of Vietnam, splitting in North and South- Vietnam 1.1 Civil war between North and South-Vietnam 1.2 Capitulation of the South 1.3 Establishment of the Socialistic republic of Vietnam 2. 1959 the USA supported the South ( Weapons, money ...) 3. 2-4. 8.1964 Tongking Incident 3.1 1964 the USA is scared about the expansion of communism 4. 1965 the USA send soldiers to Vietnam and started bombardmends 5. 1969 the USA reinforced their attacks and send 540000 soldiers 6. 27.1 1973 ceasefire between the USA and Vietnam

Hauptpunkte des Krieges (Englisch) (94 Wörter)
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