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Könnte jemand meinen Aufsatz korrigieren?

Frage: Könnte jemand meinen Aufsatz korrigieren?
(1 Antwort)

Beiträge 5
This summer holiday was one of the best so far.
I spent the first days of this holiday in Belgrade, having the time to enjoy what he provided. The first days of the holiday were quickly gone and then I went to Greece. I stayed on the island and enjoyed the sea. On this island it`s never boring because it has many beautiful beaches and a beautiful city where I spent every night. Staying in Greece quickly passed, but I really did rest. Upon returning to Belgrade, I only had one day to prepare for my trip to Vrnjacka spa. The great advantage of Vrnjacka spa is the ride on a bicycle, because there are plenty of bicycle paths in the beach. Although I spent a lot of days in Vrnjacka spa, and this absorption quickly passed. There was a pack of things that I should bring to Germany where my next destination was. Since I arrived in Germany, I have come up with a real paradise, perhaps even the best three weeks in my life. This composition would be too long to describe everything I experienced there. In any case, I would like to emphasize new acquaintances, the beautiful environment in which the castle in which we were housed and extremely dedicated teachers who have taught us the German language. Like all that goes through, the stay in Germany quickly passed, but on the other hand, I made probably lasting acquaintances with those with whom I spent time. In the last days of this break I used to repeat previous class materials.
Frage von Victor86 | am 02.09.2017 - 22:30

Beiträge 40
Antwort von olgar | 12.09.2017 - 10:52
These summer holidays were one of the best ones so far. I spent the first couple of days in Belgrade,
having time to enjoy what he (?) provided (?). The first days of the holidays were quickly gone and then I went to Greece. I stayed on the island and enjoyed the sea. On this island it`s never boring because it has many beautiful beaches and a beautiful city where I stayed every night. Our stay in Greece quickly passed, but I really did rest. Upon returning to Belgrade, I only had one day to prepare for my trip to Vrnjacka spa. The great advantage of Vrnjacka spa is the bicycle ride, because there are plenty of bicycle paths in the beach. Although I spent a lot of days in Vrnjacka spa, this absorption (?) quickly passed. There was a pack of things that I should bring to Germany where my next destination was (Was bedeutet dieser Satz?). Since arriving in Germany, I have come up with (?) a real paradise, perhaps even the best three weeks in my life. This composition (?) would be too long to describe everything I experienced there. In any case, I would like to emphasize new acquaintances, the beautiful environment of the castle in which we stayed and the extremely dedicated teachers who have taught us the German language. Like all that goes through (?), the stay in Germany quickly passed, but on the other hand, I probably made lasting acquaintances with those I spent time with. In the last days of this break I revised previous class material.

Leider viele Fragezeichen, weil es mir unverständlich war, was Du meinst :(

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