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Frage: englischtext korrigieren
(2 Antworten)

hallo zusammen

ihr würdet mir echt mega helfen wenn ihr zeit hättet meine aufsatz schenll zu korrigieren.
habe englisch nicht so gerne, aber dieser aufsatz wird am dienstag leider benotet.
herzlichen dank!


The discussion about if nowadays young peole are well educated and decent is rather widespread. However there is no general opinon about it, because of the fact that it is a personal thing to decide if someone has good or bad manners. Nevertheless there exist some things, which are important to notice if you want to be known as a well educated person.

Firstly, it’s indespensable to talk always respectfully to other, of course especially to yours superiors. This doesn’t mean that you are not allowed to tell them your opinion, but you have to be able to decide when your opinon is asked and when it’s inappropriate to make a comment. Secondly, you should pay attention that you are never unfair towards your fellwo men. Otherwise you will quickly be known as an egoistic and self-centred person.

In my estimation it’s particularly important to attend on how we behave in the public. This because someone with bad manners is extremly ardous for thoses people who have to live or work with him. When your are well educaded, I mean when you think also of the others than only for yourself then you can be sure, that other people will like you. Furthermore you can also exspect that they will be respectfully and social with you in return.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 07.02.2010 - 21:36

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Antwort von algieba (ehem. Mitglied) | 07.02.2010 - 22:07
The discussion about the question if nowadays young peole are well-educated and decent is rather widespread. However there is no general opinion about it, because of the fact that it is a subjective decision if someone has good or bad manners. Nevertheless there exist some things, which are important to notice if you want to be known/considered as a well-educated person.

Firstly, it’s indespensable to always talk respectfully to others, of course especially to superiors. This doesn’t mean that one is not allowed to tell them one`s opinion, but one has to be able to decide when the opinon is asked and when it’s inappropriate to make a comment. Secondly, you should pay attention that you are never unfair to your fellows. Otherwise you will quickly be known as an egoistic and self-centred person.

In my estimation it’s particularly important to attend on how we behave in public. The reason is that someone with bad manners is extremely arduous for those people who have to live or work with him or her. If you are well-educaded and also think of the others and not only look after yourself, then you can be sure (Niemals ein Komma vor that, das wie deutsches dass verwendet wird!) that other people will like you. Furthermore you can also expect that they will be respectfully and social with you in return.

Ich denke es ist besser, wenn du das "you" durch "one" ersetzt, ist vom Stil besser. Habe irgendwann aufgehört, es zu verbessern.

Antwort von GAST | 08.02.2010 - 21:53
herzlichen dank

das mit dem "one" ist ein sehr guter vorschlag. eigentlich wollte ich auch in dieser unpersönlichen art schreiben, doch leider wusste ich nicht wie man diese unpersönliche form in englisch bildet. also DANKE!

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