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Edible dishes - How to reduce plastic waste

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Review of five alternatives to plastic - edible dishes / tableware

Five environmentally friendly alternatives to plastic dishes:


> algae as gelling agent which is used as edible disposable cup instead of plastic cups
> heat “ Agar Agar“
> transfer to a cup and place a smaller cup inside
> dissolves in water

Bee's wax

> beeswax as seal which is used as alternative for plastic film
> beeswax seals cotton cloth of organically grown cotton
> washable, reusable and durable for one year
=> price: 8 € per cloth

Apple Pomace

> apple pomace which is used as edible apple straw instead of plastic straw
> recycling of apple waste (apple pomace)
> shaped by pectin (gelling agent in jam)
=> price: 20 ct per straw

Rice flour pastry

> rice flour pastry which is used as edible spoons (suitable for soups) instead of plastic spoons
> pastry with rice flour, millet, wheat flour and olive oil and baked in the stove for
30 min
> be unbreakable

Wheat bran

> wheat bran which is used as aedible plate instead of a plastic plate
> heated and pressed into a plate shape within two minutes
> dissolves in water
=> price: 10 ct per plate

Data from Galileo's tv report on Youtube “Nie wieder spülen! Geschirr zum

Ich sollte einen Galileo Beitrag auf Englisch fomulieren, weil wir zu diesem Zeitpunkt das Thema Globalisierung hatten.
Das Video ist auf Youtube verfügbar. Ich konnte diese zusätzlichen Informationen auch sehr gut in der letzten Klausur nutzen. (196 Wörter)
von unbekannt
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