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Aufsatz / Essay über Kunst: Korrigieren bitte!

Frage: Aufsatz / Essay über Kunst: Korrigieren bitte!
(3 Antworten)

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Hallo :)
ich habe einen Englisch Aufsatz geschrieben.
Es geht um Kunst. Könnte bitte jemand den korriegieren?

I like art, but only if it is true art. true art is for me to draw or paint to what others can not. What all can draw and paint is not art for me. There are pictures that look like photos that line easily and nobody can paint.
there are many "famous artist" who can not draw on my part.
Picasso is one of the most famous artists but most of his pictures, the people are a bit inteligent trace.
even if one belongs to Picasso`s most famous artist, he is for me not a great artist. I like the art, because it is the most pictures are very interesting, and if you draw or paint yourself you can relax.
It is also interesting that you show through art, can express opinions or feelings.
Frage von bluebs (ehem. Mitglied) | am 22.11.2012 - 19:10

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Antwort von undercover (ehem. Mitglied) | 22.11.2012 - 20:00
I like art, but only if it is true art. In my opinion true art means to draw or paint something other people can`t do. Something everyone can draw or paint is not real art for me. There are pictures that look like photos that line easily (<-Was meinst du damit?) and nobody can paint.

there are many "famous artists" who can not draw on my part.
Picasso is one of the most famous artists but most of his pictures, the people are a bit inteligent trace.(<-Was meinst du damit?)
Even if Picasso is one of the most famous artists in the world, for me he is not a great artist. I like art, because most pictures are very interesting, and if you draw or paint something yourself you can relax.
It is also interesting what you show through art, such as expressing opinions or feelings.

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Antwort von undercover (ehem. Mitglied) | 22.11.2012 - 20:01
Ich bin mir natürlich nicht 100%ig sicher ob das so richtig ist;)

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Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 22.11.2012 - 20:04
I like art, but only if it is (1)true art. true art is for me (2) to draw or paint to what(3)others can not(4). What all can (4) draw and paint is not art (5)for me. There are pictures that look like photos that line easily (6)and nobody can paint.
there are many "famous artist" who can not draw on my part(7).
Picasso is one of the most famous artists but most of his pictures, the people are a bit inteligent trace(8).
even if one belongs (9) to Picasso`s most famous artist, he is for me (10) not a great artist (11). I like the(12) art, because it is (13) the most pictures (14) are very interesting, and if (15) you draw or paint yourself you can relax.
It is also interesting that you show through art (16), can express opinions or feelings.

au weia, wo hast du denn bloß Englisch gelernt; der Text ist nicht korrigierbar! Ganz abgesehen davon, dass du absolut keine Ahnung von Kunst hast, denn auch inhaltlich ist dein Beitrag hinterste dunkle Ecke der untersten Leistungs-Schublade.

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