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Text environment: Bitte korrigieren

Frage: Text environment: Bitte korrigieren
(2 Antworten)

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Bitte korrigiert Fehler. Kann ich die Absätze so geteilt lassen?

Many people do things wrong concerning our environment. Some drop litter in the street and quite a lot of people leave bottles behind in a park.

In my opinion the important things we should do to protect our environment are recycle glass bottles and take them to the bottle bank. We should take a basket when we go shopping, too. I could save water and I shouldn’t go by car if I can walk. If I see someone throwing away rubbish and my mother is with me then we go to the people and say you have to put it into the rubbish bin. Alone I haven’t the courage to make it.

My mum usually buys locally produced fruits if it is possible. I guess in the future the people will live longer and there will be new machines invented.
Frage von Clara4444 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 03.05.2016 - 14:49

Beiträge 14
Antwort von Tansha1 | 03.05.2016 - 16:18
Many people do things wrong concerning our environment. Some drop litter on the street and quite a lot of people leave their bottles in a park.

In my opinion the important things we should do to protect our environment is to recycle glass bottles and take them to the bottle bank,
or we should take a basket while we are shopping. I shouldn’t take the car when its possible to walk. If I see someone throwing away rubbish and my mother is with me, we go to the people and say that they have to put it into the wastepaper bin. Alone I haven’t got enough courage to correct them.

My mum usually buys locally produced fruits if it is possible. I guess that in the future people will live longer and that new machines will be invented.

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Antwort von Clara4444 (ehem. Mitglied) | 03.05.2016 - 16:38

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