Speech The Biggest Challenge of the 21th century
Frage: Speech The Biggest Challenge of the 21th century(keine Antwort)
Kann das bitte jemand durchlesen und korrigieren und vllt Tipps geben, was ich noch ergänzen könnte ? DANKESCHÖN As you all know there are a lot of challenges we have to deal with in the next few years. Firstly I want to ask you some questions: Do you feel guilty every time you get behind the wheel of your car? Do you feel guilty every time you start your washing machine? Do you feel guilty every time you want to print something? Our response to these questions would likely be no, but for our environment it would be better if we would answer with yes. So in my opinion the biggest challenge of the 21th century is to stop the environmental problems which are affecting our entire world. Because if we are not working on this challenge we probably have to live with the consequences of global warning. For example a lot of animals and flowers will die out, if we don’t stop polluting the environment. So how can we save our environment ? For example we should stop to go by car for short distances like to the supermarket. We should more often go by bike or walk or take the puplic transports if possible. Furthermore we should seperate our waste in paper, biodegradable waste and plastics to make recycling possible. |
Frage von kohlrabi12345 (ehem. Mitglied) | am 13.04.2011 - 18:43 |
Leider noch keine Antworten vorhanden! |
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