Könnte jemand den Text auf grammatische Fehler untersuchen?
Frage: Könnte jemand den Text auf grammatische Fehler untersuchen?(2 Antworten)
Hallo. Könnte jemand den Text auf grammatische Fehler untersuchen? Danke! Hello class, currently I watch 10 different television series. Here you see a poster of a Turkish series. The name of the series is “Intikam” and means “revenge”. And yes, this series based on the American series “revenge”. I want to tell you a bit about the story of Intikam. In Intikam Yagmur Özden buys a house next to the Arsoys family mansion. Yagmur is really Derin Celik, whose father, Adil Celik, was sentenced to life imprisonment for a non-committed crime when she was a little girl. Because of the imprisonment, Derin and her father were separated and he died as a result of an attack. As an adult, Derin alias Yagmur wants to revenge everyone who were involved in the conspiracy of her father. Her primary target is Sahika, leader of the Arsoy family, who loved and Derins`s father and cheated on him. The running time of each episode is only 90 minutes, because most Turkish TV series have a running time between 120 and 150 Minutes. So it is, as if you watched a film in series. A season begins usually in September and ends usually in June, when the 3 months-holidays start in turkey. So, episodes and seasons are much longer. But that’s not all. At the beginning of each episode of American or German series, there is a short summarising flashback, but the flashbacks of Turkish series are much longer. Flashbacks are 30 to 60 minutes long. I find it handy, because you have no time to hang around every time in front of TV for 2 hours. I think everyone knows the primetime here in Germany. It’s the same in turkey but you have to remember the 1 hour time difference. Because a lot of Turks live outside Turkey especially in Germany, there are extra European or German versions of the Turkish series channels. The television program is the same but the television advertising is designed for the German market. So tv channels do business, even if foreigner watch TV. When we already talk about business: Turkish series are also very popular outside turkey. Some series were aired in about 60 different countries. Turkish TV series are especially popular in near east, but also in Europe and even in Asia, for example in China. Either a series is bought and translated or a new series is produced. FOX, for example, bought the rights of the Turkish series “SON” and will produce an own series called “Runner”. Runner will be aired in September this year in America. Rights were also sold to Russia and Germany, where the series will be aired in 2016. |
Frage von Yaman | am 10.06.2015 - 22:23 |
Antwort von Janina49 | 27.06.2015 - 12:39 |
Hey Yaman, hab mir mal deinen Text durchgelesen und finde ihn gut. LG Janina. Helloclass, currently I watch 10 different television series. I like watching series, as more than films. You have entertainment for a longer period of time and you always can’t await the nextepisode. So, there is always tension. I especiallylike American or Turkish series, but German productions not at all. There aresome differences between Turkish and American or German TV series. Here you see a poster of a Turkish series. The name of the series is “Intikam”and means “revenge”. And yes, this series based on the American series“revenge”. I want to tell you a bit about the story of Intikam. In IntikamYagmur Özden buys a house next to the Arsoys family mansion. Yagmur is actually Derin Celik, whose father,Adil Celik, was sentenced to life imprisonment for a non-committed crime whenshe was a little girl. Because of the imprisonment, Derin and her father wereseparated and he died as a result of an attack. As an adult, Derin alias Yagmurwants to revenge everyone who were involved in the conspiracy of her father.Her primary target is Sahika, leader of the Arsoy family, who loved andDerins`s father and cheated on him. The running time of each episode is only 90 minutes, because most Turkish TVseries have a running time between 120 and 150 Minutes. So it is, as if you watched a film in series. A season begins usually in September and ends usuallyin June, when the 3 months-holidays start in turkey. So, episodes and seasonsare much longer. But that’s not all. At the beginning of each episode ofAmerican or German series, there is a short summarizing flashback, but the flashbacks of Turkish series aremuch longer. Flashbacks are 30 to 60 minutes long. I find it handy(?) (vllt. Unnecessary-unnötig) because you have no time to hang around everytime in front of TV for 2 hours. I think everyone knows the primetime here in Germany. It’s the same in turkeybut you have to remember the 1 hour time difference. Because a lot of Turkslive outside Turkey especially in Germany, there are extra European or Germanversions of the Turkish series channels. The television program is the same butthe television advertising is designed for the German market. So TV channels do business, even if foreigners watch TV. When we alreadytalk about business: Turkish series are also very popular outside turkey. Someseries were aired in about 60 different countries. Turkish TV series areespecially popular in near east, but also in Europe and even in Asia, for example in China. Either a series is bought and translated or a new series isproduced. FOX, for example, bought the rights of the Turkish series “SON” andwill produce an own series called “Runner”. Runner will be aired in Septemberthis year in America. Rights were also sold to Russia and Germany, where theseries will be aired in 2016. |
Antwort von Ratgeber | 27.06.2015 - 21:33 |
Hallo Yaman,ich habe die Korrekturen von Janina49, die ok waren, übernommen und nun meine eigenen fett gedruckt: Hello class, currently I watch 10 different TV series. I like watching series, in preference to films. You have entertainment for extended periods (of time) and you can hardly wait for the next episode. So, there is always tension. I like American or Turkish series best, but I unlike German productions. There are some differences between Turkish and American or German TV series. Here you see a poster of a Turkish series. The name of the series is “Intikam” and means “revenge”. And yes, this series based on the American series “Revenge”. I want to tell you a bit about the story of Intikam. In Intikam a young lady, who in real is called Yagmur Özden, buys a house next to the Arsoys family mansion. Yagmur is actually named Derin Celik, whose father Adil Celik had received a life sentence for a non-committed crime, when she was a little girl. Because of the imprisonment, Derin and her father were separated and he died in jail as a result of an attack. As an adult, Derin alias Yagmur wants to revenge everyone who betrayed her father. Her primary target is Sahika, leader of the Arsoy family, who loved and Derins’ father and cheated on him. (hier fehlt irgend etwas…) The running time of each episode is only 90 minutes while / although most Turkish TV series have a running time between 120 and 150 minutes. So it seems, as if you watch a film in series. A season usually begins in September and ends in June, when the 3-months-holidays start in Turkey. So, episodes and seasons are much longer. But that’s not all. At the beginning of each episode of American or German series, there is a short summarizing flashback, but the flashbacks of Turkish series are much longer. Flashbacks take 30 to 60 minutes. I find it handy because youhave no time to hang around everytime in front of TV for 2 hours. Bitte auf Deutsch, was Du mit diesem Satz sagen möchtest… I think everyone knows the primetime here in Germany. It’s the same in Turkey but you have to take account of the time difference of 1 hour. Because a lot of Turks live outside Turkey, especially in Germany, there are extra European or German versions of the Turkish series channels. The television program is the same but the television advertising is designed for the German market. So TV channels do business, even if foreigners watch TV. Speaking of business: Turkish series are also very popular outside Turkey. Some series were aired in about 60 different countries. Turkish TV series are especially popular in the Near East, but also in Europe and even in Asia, for example in China. Either a series is bought and translated or a new series is produced. FOX, for example, bought the rights of the Turkish series “SON” and will produce an own series called “Runner” which will be aired in September this year in America. Rights were also sold to Russia and Germany, where the series will be aired in 2016. |
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