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Review vom Film "Glory Road"

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Review - Movie "Glory Road"

Review - "Glory Road" 2006

The sports movie "Glory Road", directed by James Gartner and released in the united states on 6th June 2006 by Disney, deals with a story about a coach and the way through the first division in basketball with his new team.

Don Hasksins, the coach of the Texas Western female basketball team, was decided to form a male basketball team for the NCAA championship. Without any financial support from the school he had to recruit new players for his new team. He could not pay any players that they play for him. After some weeks he was ready for the championship with seven black and five white players. For Don and his team began a difficult time because the barrier between black and whites was stable in this time. So the black players had to endure many hard discriminations by the whites. But at the end, the team won the championship and Don Hasksins makes the first step to break the mentioned barrier.

My view about the movie is very positive and a bit emotional because one the one side a I have to feel with the black players when they were degraded and humiliated by the whites and on the other side I feel happy that the team endure the hard times and at the end they were the deserved winner of NCAA championship.

The main topic of sport fell into the background and the discrimination of black people in the time, in the movie was setting, came into the foreground. All viewers get a small feeling of how to be humiliated as black human and it seems to be very important for the regiseur to mention and reveal it.

The degradations were terrible to watch, but good shown. For example the scene in the motel was very shocking or when the team entered the basketball court and all white fans of the enemy team threw drinks and rubbish on the team of Don Haskins.

All characters were also very good played, for example the passionate coach Don Haskins: how he feel with the team and how he teached the players to play fundamental basketball on easy ways, also how he maintain his small family.

What I did not like, was that the black player only were shown discriminated and there was no hope for any improvement, only at the end when they win the championship and shows that the blacks can be just as good as white people.

But what I like best, was how the team grew up and how they stick together at the end.

As a conclusion I can say Disney made a great job by picking up a true story with a serious topic what you really want to see and what you really appeal.
Dies war eine Hausaufgabe und es ist ein Review zum Film Glory Road aus dem Jahr 2006. Ein toller Film, den man in der Schule im Unterricht durchnehmen könnte! Der deutsche Titel lautet "Spiel auf Zeit".

Regie James Gartner
Drehbuch Chris Cleveland, Bettina Gilois
Produktion Jerry Bruckheimer
Musik Trevor Rabin
Kamera Jeffrey L. Kimball, John Toon (468 Wörter)
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