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Jose Guerrero/ Eli Lynch - Sweatshop: Übersetzung gesucht !

Frage: Jose Guerrero/ Eli Lynch - Sweatshop: Übersetzung gesucht !
(1 Antwort)

Beiträge 22
Könnte sich jemand die Mühe antun und mir dieses Poem so übersetzen, dass ich wirklich alles verstehe und nicht nur den Kontext? :)

Richtig gutes Gedicht über sweatshops! würde mich freuen wenn jmd helfen könnte...

"Sweatshop" by Jose Guerrero and Eli Lynch

I remember waking up and her already being gone
She would catch the ruta before the sun and arrive home after dawn
Being awake that early in Juarez can be dangerous for a woman
She always lied and said she was a fashion designer but in reality she spent long hours
Sewing holes in designer jeans that her children would never wear
The Maquiladora swallowed her and she just became part of the machine
Slavery is the epitome (Inbegriff) of capitalism
A system built on inequality (Ungleichheit)
for some to taste this kind of excess (Überschuss)
Others have to live in poverty
So this is not some unfortunate side effect of a society built in the image of a pyramid it is
the purpose
Every step you take was made comfortable at someone else`s expense (Kosten)
It`s easy to point your fingers at CEO`s and foreman (Aufseher)
But the shirt on your back puts a weight on your shoulders
How did we allow the earth to become so lopsided (schief)?
The world`s axis (Achse) is tilting (kippend) but we are standing still
The key to our obedience (Gehorsam) is a thirst for possessions
Cause they`ve got us so conditioned that we purchase (einkaufen) our oppression
Now we`ve all switched to high definition deception (Betrug/Täuschung)
If the purpose of Democracy is to ensure (zu gewährleisten) equality
but money equals power then there in no room for poverty
And capitalists thrive (gedeihen/gut und erfolgreich leben) on separate classes so they`re opposed to this
So it`s impossible for Capitalism and Democracy to coexist
Socialists and independent journalists have noticed this
But the TV won`t tell you that, cause the real enemy owns that shit
So they control the information, economic weaponry (Waffen/Waffentechnik)
So we fight among ourselves and never ask "who`s the enemy?"
Ninety percent of the wealth is owned by less than 10 percent of the populous
It would seem then that the answer to this question would be obvious
The problems also own the media on top of this
And News Corp is consumed by two thirds of the world`s audience
And they literally went to court to defend their right to lie to the public
There`s no way to speak out, they`ll disconnect your mic if you try and discuss it
So why aren`t people disgusted (empört/angeekelt)?
The equation (Ausgleich/Gleichgewicht) can`t equal getting mad if
An untainted (makellose/fehlerlos) source of information is subtracted
So the First Amendment`s (Abänderungerungen/Ergänzung) lost if they pretend that being honest
Isn`t necessary if it starts infringing (verstoßen) on the profits
Information`s disregarded (unberrücksichtigt) for more profitable topics
But they own the information box so there`s no way to stop it
It`s not just the NEWS
My mind has been swooshed (swoosh=Das Rauschen) with images of success
From a glistening (funkelnden) Michael Jordan dunking on giants with ease (Bequemlichkeit)
To a series of soccer getting players crossed and statues of Cristiano Rinaldo rising
And I`ve been told these moments were brought to me by shoes
When Nikes are worn by legends they become symbols of national pride
Which makes me wonder, who built them?
Who has blisters (Blasen) on their hands so our heroes don`t blister on their toes
These logos are nothing to be proud of
Because the slaves were not freed just outsourced
A knight is nothing without a blacksmith
So why do athletes hoard the glory of glamorous commercial montages
If they were still burdened by honesty surely this sweat wouldn`t be the color of Gatorade
The stars would be tired to run
Fingers too blistered to dunk
But if a knight is nothing without a blacksmith (Schmied)
Then these slaves are responsible for these victories too
They were never blessed with body armor so Nike swooshes whipped exposed backs
scarring them with Adidas stripes like Just Do It
They reached for Converse Stars but couldn`t get enough air
Jordan`s laces pulled them back into slavery
They`ve sewed tongues into your shoes rendering them voiceless
Having trouble swallowing their malnutrition (Unterernährung)
Have you ever wondered whose soul you`re walking on?
They are the souls that sew your sols
The little feat (Tat) that fill big shoes
The weary (er/müdet) backs that hold the globe
The little hands that stitch the world
And they`ve been feeding us propaganda since our conception (Idee/Auffassung)
But we paid for it
We asked them to lie to us
So when establishing your personality with logos
When wearing your poverty like a badge (Abzeichen)
Never mistake yourself for the oppressed (unterdrückt)
We are the Monsters
We are the cogs (Zahnräder) that keep the world spinning tilted (schief)
We too, have been swallowed by the machine
Frage von tomi17 | am 05.11.2012 - 21:38

Beiträge 0
Antwort von goldenoldie (ehem. Mitglied) | 06.11.2012 - 10:57
Na klaro, mach` ich doch glatt; bei Schriftgröße Tahoma 12 und 1 1/2 zeiligem Abstand umfasst der Text fast genau drei Seiten.

Als Student habe ich früher in einem Übersetzungsbüro gearbeitet; ich kenne daher die Preise.
Also: € 300 bar auf die Kralle ... und die Sache ist geritzt.

.....oder glaubst du etwa, dass einer von uns so blöde ist, sich stundenlang hinzusetzen und für jemand Fremden, der zu faul ist, seinen eigenen Grips anzustrengen (nebenbei fast die Hälfte deiner Übersetzungen in Klammern sind falsch), hier kostenlos frei Haus zu arbeiten... und dann wird dieser Fremde daherkommen und die Übersetzung noch als seine eigene ausgeben ...? Nö! Nein, ach nein, ach nein, das kann es ja wohl nicht sein.

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