Übersetzung von Deutsch in Englisch Teil 2
Frage: Übersetzung von Deutsch in Englisch Teil 2(2 Antworten)
Natural Cosmetics - what is that? And where the difference lies between normal and Natural Cosmetics? Natural Cosmetics is as the name already says, cosmetics on physical base. And in the other cosmetics? What is then there in it? Natural Cosmetics is still no protected concept, that is all companies her cosmetics products could call it Natural Cosmetics. That is for you as buyers that you should pay attention exactly to the contents materials and ingredient list. However, this is rather laborious and complicated quite. So and in order to distinguish Natural Cosmetics from other products, 30 Natural Cosmetics manufacturers have got together and have created a label which serves us consumers as an orientation. However, in the area of the Natural Cosmetics a label is a certificate for good quality a goodness bzw.-test seal. In Germany you find, above all, these two Natural Cosmetics labels: - controlled natural makeup BDIH - new form label the Natural Cosmetics manufacturers have united in a federation and have brought out guidelines for the production of Natural Cosmetics. The BDIH label counts as a label with the highest high-class claims. The products which have the new form label are sold in health food stores. Which products and manufacturers receive the new form label, it is controlled by independent examiners who do not belong to the enterprises which want to sell the products. This is good, because the examiners can form own opinion with the help of the guidelines. The enterprises can not cheat. Normal cosmetics products - they are also called conventional cosmetics products - these guidelines do not keep! There you can well imagine that every cosmetics product is not well acceptable for the person. So some conventional cosmetics companies still carry out compatibility tests with the animals who should guarantee the harmlessness. Natural makeup renounces bioassays. They are also not necessary for cosmetics products! The cosmetics products for which no animals had to suffer are provided with this label: To become clear to you about the advantages and disadvantages of natural makeup, here we have summarised the most important information: Advantages of natural makeup the list of the advantages of natural makeup compared with customary cosmetic products is long. E.G. - if they are mostly acceptable much better, - the allergic reactions are missing rather, - the quality of the contents materials is higher around something and - natural makeup is free of injurious additives. - Because is respected to the packaging, one can say that is renounced misleading packagings! Disadvantages of natural makeup the only disadvantage of natural makeup compared with the "normal", conventional cosmetics is that the products are not long-lasting so long what speaks, however, again for the freshness of the product! Assignment criteria for the labels and guidelines for natural makeup: 1. in addition, pflanzliche raw materials the physical materials should be from controls, to biological cultivation. 2-nd protection of animals and bioassays If animal raw materials (e.g., woollen fat) are used, then only by living animals! Bioassays are up forbidden (in the production as well as while checking the ready cosmetics product) 3-rd renunciation - synthetic i.e. artificially made colorings - genetic-technically changed raw materials - paraffins (this are a wax which damages the liver) - silicones (this are artificially made materials which can form small growths in the body) - 5-th preservatives identical with nature with all labels is other oil products 4. no radioactive radiotherapy the radiotherapy of the cosmetics products with radioactive substances to the Haltbarmachung forbidden, however, the use of preservatives identical with nature is permitted. Preservatives are required for the durability of the product. On the packaging there is a special reference to it. Stands on the packaging: preserved with point Point Point. It is important that the products are produced ecologically friendly, the packaging are used economically (less is more! Thinks of irritating packaging), are environmental-acceptable and again are usable! |
GAST stellte diese Frage am 24.04.2008 - 14:30 |
Antwort von GAST | 24.04.2008 - 15:15 |
Natural Cosmetics - what is that? And what is the difference between normal and Natural Cosmetics? Natural Cosmetics are as the name already says, cosmetics on physical base. And what about other cosmetics? What do they consist of? Natural Cosmetics are still no protected concept,so every companie producing such cosmetic products could call it Natural Cosmetics.The consuments should pay attention to the contents, materials and ingredient list. However, this is rather laborious and quite complicated. In order to distinguish between Natural Cosmetics and other products, 30 Natural Cosmetics manufactures have come together and have created a label which helps the consuments to get closer. However, in the area of the Natural Cosmetics a label is a certificate for good quality. In Germany you find, above all, these two Natural Cosmetics labels: - controlled natural makeup BDIH - new form label the Natural Cosmetics manufactures have unified in a federation and have brought out rights for the production of Natural Cosmetics. The BDIH label is the label with the highest high-class claim rate. The products having the new form label are sold in health food stores. Which products and manufacturers receive the new form label, it is controlled by independent examiners who do not belong to the enterprises which want to sell the products. That is an imprtant advantage, because the examiners can form their own opinion with the help of those rights. The enterprises can not cheat. Normal cosmetic products - they are also called conventional cosmetic products - these guidelines do not fit! There you can quite well imagine that every cosmetic product is not well acceptable for the person. So some conventional cosmetics companies still carry out compatibility tests with the animals who should guarantee the harmlessness. Natural makeup renounces bioassays. They are also not necessary for cosmetic products! The cosmetic products what for no animals had to suffer are provided with this label: To make clear to you about the advantages and disadvantages of natural makeup, here we have summarised the most important information: Advantages of natural makeup - the list of the advantages of natural makeup compared with customary cosmetic products is long. For example - if they are mostly acceptable - the allergical reactions are missing rather, - the quality of the content materials is doubtable - natural makeup is free of injurious additives. - Because it is respected to the packaging, one can say that is renounced misleading packagings! Disadvantages of natural make-up the only disadvantage of natural makeup compared with the "normal", conventional cosmetics is that the products are not long-lasting so that is another argument for the freshness of the product! Assignment criteria for the labels and guidelines for natural makeup: 1. in addition, essential raw materials the physical materials should come from controls to biological cultivation. 2-nd protection of animals and bioassays. If animal raw materials (e.g., woollen fat) are used, then only from living animals! Bioassays are forbidden (in the production as well as checking the ready cosmetics product) 3-rd renunciation - synthetic i.e. artificially made colorings - genetic-technically changed raw materials - paraffins (these are a wax that damages the liver) - silicones (this are artificially made materials which can form small growths in the body) - 5-th preservatives identical with nature with all labels is other oil products 4. no radioactive radiotherapy. The radiotherapy of the cosmetics products with radioactive substances to Conservation is forbidden, however, the use of preservatives identical with nature is permitted. Preservatives are required for the durability of the product. On the packaging there is a special reference to it. Written on the packaging: preserved with ... . It is important that the products are produced ecologically friendly, the packaging are used economically (less is more! Thoughts of irritating packaging), are environmental-acceptable and can be used again! also soweit hab ich des ma überflogen... manchmal versteh ich aber deine idee hinter dem satz nicht bzw. kenne diese fachbegriffe in der kosmetik nicht.... aber des geht einigermaßen so ^^ |
Antwort von GAST | 24.04.2008 - 15:19 |
siehst du den ersten teil im forum?! dort ist die deutsche übersetzung! aber du würdest doch sicherlich gleich denken, dass man dies nicht allein übersetzt hat oder!? sondern mit hilfe von einem übersetzungsprogramm?! |
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