- a part of Los Angeles.
LA most important metropolis in the west of the United States of America
developed of a little settlement which was found in 1781
The economic meaning of the town is the industry in Hollywood
H. is the center of the cinema and film industry
worldwide famous HOLLYWOOD – letters were erected in 1922 (14 m)
H. was found at the end of the 80`s in the 19 century
name first for a ranch, later for a village
H. belongs to LA since 1910
first filmstudio was built in 1911 (Centaur Film Co)
many followed in the next years
Although some studios are outside of the quarter, the american film industry his main seat in H.
first public presentation of a film in America in New York 1896
beginning of 20 century little houses of shows (“Nickelodeons”) created in USA
1915-1920 many new film studios: Universal Pictures, Warner Brothers
film production soon dominated world market
big genres were formed: western, adventure, science-fiction, crime, horror
sound film was introduce at end of 20th years, and new genres (musical)
horror film his highlight at beginning of 30 years (Frankenstein, Dracula, King Kong)
than color film put trough > Walt Disney created Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck
1962 bad year: film maker might produce cheap films because H. a economic crisis
because of situation Hollywood-movement for more liberty in design at end of 60
made many sequels of famous films in middle of 70`s (“Star Wars”, “Police Academy”)
Two of the most successful film makers:
James Cameron: “Titanic” the most successful film with 11 Oscars, also famous “The Blair Witch Project" and “Jurassic Park”
Roland Emmerich: „Stargate“, „Independence Day“, „Godzilla The Patriot“
Die Aufgabenstellung war, eine Stadt aus den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika zu "erkunden" und die Ergebnisse aufzuschreiben. Dabei habe ich die geographische Lage, die Besonderheiten, die Geschichte und zwei Filmproduzenten beschrieben. (288 Wörter)
von unbekannt
Hollywood | Teil von Los Angeles | USA | Filmmetropole | James Cameron | Roland Emmerich | englisch | english | essay | aufsatz
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