Referat: Canada - presentation about facts, national parks, sports & activities

First of all I’ll tell you briefly what I’m going to talk about:
- general things about Canada
- the capital Ottawa
- national parks
- holidays
- sports
1. In 1541 the first European colonised Canada. Before that, only Inuit and Eskimos lived there. Now Canada has got only 32.378.200 inhabitants although it is with 9.984.670 km² the second biggest state in the world. It is cut into 13 provinces and territories, which have all their own capitals. Everywhere in Canada you pay with the Canadian Dollar. One Euro is equivalent to about 1Dollar 50. On the five Dollar bill Wilfrid Laurier , who was the seventh Prime Minister of Canada, is depicted. On the ten Dollar bill you see John A. Macdonald , who was the first Prime Minister. Queen Elizabeth II is shown on the twenty Dollar bill. William Lyon Mackenzie King , who was the tenth prime minister of Canada, can be seen on the fifty Dollar bill. And Robert Borden , who was the eighth Prime Minister, is shown on the hundred Dollar bill. The most known sights are the "Niagara falls" which are visited by most of the tourists. One half lies in the province Ontario in Canada, and the other half is in the federal state New York in America.
2. Ottawa There are the parliament buildings where Canada’s government resides. Ottawa has got 860.000 inhabitants, it’s the fourth largest city and it is the only town which is officially bilingual. (French and English) It is located in the province Ontario.
3. National parks There are about 40 national parks in Canada. The Wood Buffalo National park is with 44.800 km² the largest one and I’m going to tell you something about it. The park was established in 1922 to protect the world's largest herd of free roaming Wood Bison . The Wood Buffalo National Park contains a large variety of wildlife species, such as black bear , wolf , beaver and white pelican. It contains one of the world's largest fresh water deltas .
4. Holidays Now I’ll tell you something about the bank holidays. There are many holiday which are the same as in Germany, like New Years Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday and Christmas. But there are some, which can not be found in Germany, for example the Victoria Day. On that day, you honour the acting British monarchs. Or the Canada Day on July 1 where you celebrate the independence of Canada. On that day many flags, fireworks and parades can be seen.
5. Sports The most popular sports are Hockey, Lacrosse and American Football. Lacrosse is a team sport that is played with a bat. The aim is scoring goals by propelling the ball into the opponent's goal. Hockey is part of a family of sports in which two teams compete by trying to manoeuvre a ball, or a hard, round disc called a puck , into the opponent's net or goal, using a hockey stick. There are three different kinds of Hockey: Ice Hockey, Field Hockey and Road Hockey. American Football, the object of the game is to score points by advancing the football into the opposing team's end zone during a series of "plays".
That’s it. Thank you for your attention and I hope you’ve enjoyed it .
Schön ausformuliertes englisches Referat über Kanada, dass folgende Themen behandelt:
1. General things about Canada
2. The capital Ottawa
3. National parks
4. Holidays
5. Sports, activities (668 Wörter)
1. General things about Canada
2. The capital Ottawa
3. National parks
4. Holidays
5. Sports, activities (668 Wörter)
von unbekannt
Referat | Englisch | Canada | Kanada | Ottawa | national parks | holidays | sports | presentation | english
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