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Referat: Great Lakes Presentation

Alles zu Landeskunde

The Great Lakes

1. 2. 3. General Facts about the Lakes Geological Pre- history The Lakes 3.1. Lake Superior 3.2. Lake Michigan 3.3. Lake Huron 3.4. Lake Erie 3.5. Lake Ontario
Lake Huron
Lake Ontario
Lake Superior
Lake Michigan Lake Erie
1. General Facts about the Lakes
a group of five large lakes on or near the United States- Canadian border The Great Lakes are (west to east, general direction of water flow): Lake Superior (the largest and deepest, larger than the Czech Republic) Lake Michigan (the only one entirely in the U.S.) Lake Huron (the second largest in area) Lake Erie (the shallowest) Lake Ontario (the smallest in area)
they are the largest group of fresh water lakes on the earth and the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence system is the largest fresh-water system on the world area of the lakes: 244160 km² (13x larger than Saxony) maximum difference in altitude between the lakes: (including the Niagara Falls) 150 m
the Great Lakes are the only lakes on earth which have tides the area of the lakes has got a high environmental pollution

2. Geological Pre- History
The Great Lakes were formed at the end of the last ice age about 10,000 years ago the glaciers carved basins as the glaciers began to melt, the basins filled up with melt water and so the 5 Great Lakes were created
3. The Lakes

3.1. Lake Superior
name location coordinates area maximum depth height above sea level cities on the shore special(s) Lake Superior between Canada and the United States 47° 46 3" N, 87° 22 16" W 82.100 km² 405 m 184 m Duluth, Superior, Thunder Bay nd 2 largest lake on earth, largest fresh water lake on earth

3.2. Lake Michigan
name location coordinates area maximum depth height above sea level cities on the shore special(s) Lake Michigan USA 43° 41 32" N, 87° 4 35" W 57.800 km² 281 m 176 m Chicago, Milwaukee the only one of the Great Lakes that is completely in the USA

3.3. Lake Huron
name location coordinates area maximum depth height above sea level Lake Huron between Canada and the United States 44° 47 42" N, 82° 26 33" W 59.600 km² 229 m 176 m Saginaw (Michigan), Bay City (Michigan), Alpena (Michigan), Cheboygan (Michigan), St. Ignace (Michigan), Port Huron (Michigan) und Sarnia (Ontario) The world largest island in a lake (Manitoulin)
cities on the shore

3.4. Lake Erie
name location coordinates area maximum depth height above sea level cities on the shore special(s) Lake Erie between Canada and the United States 42° 9 38" N, 81° 16 23" W 25.700 km² 64 m 174 m Cleveland, Toledo, Buffalo, Erie most southern lake of the Great Lakes
3.5. Lake Ontario
name location coordinates area maximum depth height above sea level cities on the shore special(s)
Lake Ontario between Canada and the United States 43° 41 42" N, 77° 57 31" W 18.960 km² 244 m 75 m Toronto, Mississauga, Rochester the smallest lake of the Great Lakes
Referat zu Great Lakes mit allgemeinen Fakten, Entstehung und Infos zu jedem einzelnen See. Texte dazu ebenfalls hier vorhanden

The Great Lakes
1. General Facts about the Lakes
2. Geollogiical Pre- hiistory
3. The Lakes
3.1. Lake Superior
3.2. Lake Michigan
3.3. Lake Huron
3.4. Lake Erie
3.5. Lake Onttario

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