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Referat: Agriculture in Canada

Alles zu Landeskunde

Table of contents

Table of contents
Page 2
Agriculture in Canada
Page 3 - 4
Grain sorts
Page 5 - 8
Climatic diagram
Page 9
Our tree Provinces
Page 10
Page 11 - 14
Page 15
Work plane
Page 16
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Agriculture in Canada
As second largest country in the world Canada belongs to the leading food producers and exporter. Since it predominantly consists of forests, lakes, mountains and strophe area, only 7 % of its land surface can be used agriculturally, these 7 % are appropriate for southern region. The agriculture is also today still another important sector of the economy of Canada, which employs approximately 4 % of all workers. In addition each fourth Canadian works either in the production, the processing and the selling of food or in an enterprise, which supplies or it to food industry with machines or fertilizer in other way supported. The modern Canadian farmer is in such a way equipped that newest research for consequence, by the activity of only one agricultural worker food for approximately 60 humans is produced. Most Canadian farms are in a distance of less than 320 km of the US-American border. They are distributed in over ten provinces. However the main location lies in the three provinces Alberta, Manitoba and Saskatchewan, since the prairie soils are very fruitful. The amount of precipitation is there however small and the evaporation rate high, therefore in many places artificially one waters. The Canadian agricultural country lays three-quarter in these three Prairie Provinces. There the yards on the average 400 hectares are large, and one cultivates grain in the main. The hot, dry summers favour the production of summer hard wheat of high quality, which into many parts of the earth one exports. In addition Feed grain is cultivated such as oats, to rye, barley and corn, and gives it there in this area also enterprises, which dedicate themselves to the milk and cattle manage. In south Alberta is predominantly operated cattle economy. The low land areas in the southeast Ontario’s form the secondary most important agrarian area of Canada. Owing to the large seas and the pc. - Lorenz stream is the climate moderate there and are suitable outstanding for different forms of the agriculture. The farms are smaller than in other parts of Canada, their size lie generally between 40 and 180 hectares. It concerns with these agriculture enterprises milk cattle -, cattle -, pig and poultry farms. As feeding stuff corn, mixing grain, Winter wheat, oats and barley are cultivated. With the agricultural products for the market it acts here primarily around soy beans, potatoes, in the sterilizations with dry heat (flue curing) dried tobacco, apples, soft fruit and vegetable. The wheat fields, fruit plan days, pastures and gardens of Canada take 45 million hectare and/or a surface of the double size of Great Britain. The agricultural products produced here contribute ten per cent to the financing of the Canadian household. Half of all agricultural products are exported. Supplement the number of farm enterprises shrank steadily since 1941. 1941 was it still 732,000 farms, 1991 280,000 was only counted. 867,000 Canadians lived in this year on a farm. The large ones (more than 50,000 dollar income) added at the same time: From 111.000 in the year 1986 their number rose to 118.000 in the year 1993. These enterprises are led after the newest agrarian and information science realizations. The dependence on nature and on world prices nevertheless makes as well as a violent competition also the enterprise of a large farm a risky affair. The provinces and its agriculture Alberta in Alberta are the largest herds of cattle Canada’s and them produce approximately 53 % of the entire Beefs of Canada. (The Alberta Beef ranks among the best ones of the world.) Milk farms are to be found predominantly in Centrally Alberta. Saskatchewan in Saskatchewan is predominantly cultivated grain. It belonged to the large hard wheat producers and applies as it were with Alberta and Manitoba as one of the large bread basket of the world. Beef has a large value, milk farms is rather rare also here. Manitoba main production is likewise grain, something Beef and predominantly in the southern part has it milk farms. Pig meat production is rising. Ontario is not only the restaurant engine Canada’s; it has also largest and-economical
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production in Canada. Climatically by the large Sen favoured, the cultivation of fruit,
grapes/clusters and vegetables in south plays Ontario a large role.
In the Niagara peninsula is produced very good wine (the Niagara peninsula lies degree of latitude-moderately about directly as Geneva Rome.) Store of the west already alone from the extent is Alberta’s agricultural production basis impressively. Over eleven million hectare at cultivated effective area is available for the cultivation of grain, Oil crops, feeding stuff, Feed crops and other arable crops. Further 8.4 million hectare at none of cultivated land surface than meadow and areas of cultivation of cattle fodder are used. Altogether the incomes of the 57’000 achieved agricultural enterprises Alberta’s 2003 approximately 5.2 billion dollar. Harvest proceeds furnished 2.6 billion and the cattle breeding brought in 2.9 billion. Agricultural cultivation the harvest since 1970 around nearly 40 % rose, whereby important arable crops climbed quantitatively from 14.5 million t per 20 million. The entire cultivated area of the province is still extended from year to year and technological improvements to lead to impressive increases in output. An alone-working farmer can work on today in only one working hour with modern machines a larger effective area than before 25 years on a whole day. Genetics Alberta gained an internationally good reputation in the area of the embryo transmission and the genetics and developed the largest and most different existence of the world at gene material for breed purposes. Since individual seed and embryo donor up to 100’000 $ can cost, this branch of the agriculture opens the seed and embryo supplier, as well as individual Rancher of the province completely substantial sources of income.
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The Wheat
Wheat history, origin and meaning: Wheat is one of the oldest cultivated plants and since the New Stone Age is cultivated. Because of its high am worth wheat was the grain of the old Perser, in addition, spread later in Egypt and in the Roman culture much. The game forms originate from front and Central Asia and/or from Ethiopia. From the three kinds: A grain, Emmer and Dinkel were bred those today well-known subspecies seed wheat and Drum Wheat. In addition one differentiates between winter wheat, which is cultivated in the autumn, and summer wheat, which are cultivated in the spring. Wheat is the most important variety of grain and the most important bread grain. It is common in the whole world and prospers best in the middle warm climate on damp loam held soils. It places high requirements at light and warmth. Per year of it world-wide approximately 650 million tons are harvested. If one was shipped this inconceivable quantity into the railroad cars of a goods train, this course was enough five times around the equator!
Botany: The grain is briefly, rounded and yellow-reddish sounded. On the back it has a furrow, the valuable mineral materials concentrates on the outer zones. Therefore is the grain will grind? It gives over 1000 wheat places with different requirements at soil and climate.
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The Oats
History, origin and meaning: This sort of grain first spread unwanted in wheat and barley fields; by the Romans it still applied as weeds. From it 5000 years before approximately the culture forms of oats were probably bred. It was unknown in the earlier advanced cultures Egypt and Babylonien. Oats have a small light and heat requirement and need much water. The requirements in terms of the soil are small.
Botanik: Hafer bildet nicht wie andere Getreidearten eine feste Ähre, sondern eine Rispe. Hierbei sind die einzelnen Ährchen an feinsten Trägern aufgehängt. Die Pflanze ist tiefgrün und wurzelt sehr tief.
Botany: Oats form not like other varieties of grain a firm ear. Here the individual spike lets at finest carriers are hung up. The plant is low green and is rooted very deeply.
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The barley
Barley’s history, origin and meaning: Barley is probably the oldest variant of grain beside wheat, which humans took in culture. Already the old Egyptians, Greek, Romans and the Chinese cultivated them. The Greeks nourished themselves almost exclusively of barley. The barley is today in the whole world common and climatically very flexible.
Botany: There are six-lined kinds of barley depending up on arrangement of the spike lets two-, four or coulter lines barley kinds. All however are easily recognizable to that remarkably long hear. The grain is oval and gold-yellow. It has the shortest vegetation time under all varieties of grain.
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The Corn
History, origin and meaning: The homeland of corn probably lies between Mexico and Peru. With Christoph Kolumbus came corn to Europe and arrived already 1570 until to China. In Europe it applied first as exotic ornamental plant similarly as the tomato likewise introduced from America and the potato. Today corn under the varieties of grain cultivated world-wide takes the second place. For the world economy the corn belt is particularly important in North America. The expansion of the cultivation of corn was an important condition for the introduction of mass animal husbandry. The name comes from the designation mahiz the Caribbean Indian trunks for this plant.
Botany: Corn is the only grain, with which male and female blooms in separate bloom conditions occur. Corn is not outside of the controlled cultivation by human’s increase and reproductionable. One call therefore corn absolute cultivated plant. At the point of the corn plant the male ears form loose bloom conditions (flag). A none of these rispen cans 30 million pollen produce, which the wind blows over the field. The female ears appear in the leaf axil and are recognizable by bundles of thin red threads. After dusting the ears of corn with in each case 500 to 1000 yellow grains, which are soft first, develop here with which mature however becomes so hard that one cannot scratch them any more with the fingernail. Corn carries 8 to 16 sheets. In Corn Belt half of the world corn harvest is produced
Sorts are important in the embryo, which is used for oil production. With breeding the triumphant advance of corn began fewer cooling sensitive sorts as fodder plant for the animals.
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Climatic diagram

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Sun hours 2 3 4 3 8 7 10 8 6 4 2 1 Day- temp. 5° 8° 10° 14° 18° 22° 24° 23° 18° 14° 10° 7° Night- temp. 1° 2° 3° 4° 8° 12° 12° 12° 10° 7° 4° 2° Rain days 20 16 16 14 10 12 6 8 10 16 18 20
In the prairie is weather to the building suitable of grain optimally. This follows from the climate table.
Similar to Germany and in Germany, it becomes the summer grain in spring if it begins to become warmer than 15°C that becomes winter grain immediately before first frost regard. One harvests similarly as with us in the spar summer.
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Our tree Provinces

On 2,200 kilometres leads the Trans Canada Trail by Alberta. The southern route extends from Saskatchewan to British Columbia; the northern distance connects Calgary by British Columbia with the Yukon Territory and the Northwest Territories.

On 1,188 kilometres leads the Trans Canada Trail by one of the loneliest and most initial ones regions of Canada. The pictorial Grand Beach, a long white beach, is must on the TCT. At sanddünen, rushing waterfall, roughen rock cliffs, dense forests, wild animals, jerky brooks and rivers goes it past through the prairie, the northern tundra and becomes green to landscapes.

Saskatchewan has more farm countries than every other province. On 1,400 kilometres the Trans Canada Trail hardly runs by rural, to a large extent still original and opened area. Saskatchewan is the "grain chamber" of North America!
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The Canadian flag
Rounding bale in Canada
Fields in Canada
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Combine harvester
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Claas - Combine harvester
John Deere
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- Bertelsmann Lexicon 2003
- Brockhaus
- Langenscheidt – Dictionary (Deutsch – English, English – Deutsch)
- Duden

Computer Software:
- SchülerWissen digital
- Microsoft Encarta 2005 Professional
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Work plane
Hier musst du selbst hinschreiben wenn du was getan hast usw.
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Facharbeit im Fach Englisch zum Thema "Agriculture in Canada" (Landwirtschaft in Kanada)


Table of contents:
- Agriculture in Canada
- Grain sorts
- Climatic diagram
- Our tree Provinces
- Pictures
- Source
- Work plane
(, auf Englisch, zahlreiche Bilder) (2131 Wörter)
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