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Verbessern fals Fehler im text sind!

Frage: Verbessern fals Fehler im text sind!
(4 Antworten)

Hallo Freunde..... Ich hab ne Text geschrieben und wollte fragen ob jemand mal drüber schauen kann..... und es verbessern könnte...

Wäre echt nett.. Schreib morgen ne klausur und wollte wissen ob mein grammatik und rechtschreibung gut sind. Danke im voraus

There are many differences between the extreme sports and the soft sports. Extreme sports are very dangerous and risky. In contrast soft sports aren’t dangerous and you only can be injured.
The extreme sports are activities that are associate with an adrenalin rush. These activities are often dangerous and any mistake can result in injury or even death. Extreme sports are most often pursued by young adults who want escape from the nine-to-five lifestyle. To the extreme sports belong sports like: hang gliding, bungee jumping and many more.
Hang gliding is an air sport in which a pilot flies a kind of kite. You jump of a cliff and thermes put you up. When you glide higher that you don’t get oxygen you become unconscious.
Bungee jumping is an activity where you jump with an elastic rope. Usually you jump of a fixed object, such as a building or a bridge. When the elastic rope tear you will die.
GAST stellte diese Frage am 27.10.2010 - 21:39

Beiträge 6266
Antwort von Double-T | 27.10.2010 - 21:41

Verbessern fals Fehler im text sind!

--> Verbessern, falls Fehler im Text sind.

Antwort von GAST | 27.10.2010 - 21:47
Hahahaha Wie Nett! Nein ich meine natürlich im Englischen Text.....!

Beiträge 653
Antwort von Geissbock | 28.10.2010 - 04:02
There are many differences between the extreme sports and the soft sports. Extreme sports are very dangerous and risky. In contrast soft sports aren’t dangerous except for the fact that you can be injured.
Extreme sports are activities that are associated with an adrenalin rush. These activities are often dangerous and any mistake can result in injury or even death. Extreme sports are most often pursued by young adults who want to escape from the nine-to-five lifestyle. Extreme sports belong to sports like hang gliding, bungee jumping and many more.
Hang gliding is an air sport in which a pilot flies some kind of a kite. You jump off a cliff and thermes put you up.
When you glide higher you don`t get oxygen and become unconscious.
Bungee jumping is an activity where you jump with an elastic rope. Usually you jump off a fixed object, such as a building or a bridge. When the elastic rope tears you will die.

Antwort von GAST | 28.10.2010 - 15:54
Ich stelle hier "Geissbocks" Korrektur ein (seine Markierungen in Fettdruck habe ich entfernt; alle Markierungen sind meine Korrekturen):

There are many differences between [---] extreme sports and [---] soft sports. Extreme sports are very dangerous and risky. In contrast soft sports aren’t dangerous except for the fact that you can be injured.
Extreme sports are activities that are associated with an adrenalin rush. These activities are often dangerous and any mistake can result in injury or even death. Extreme sports are most often carried out / performed (1) by young adults who want to escape from the nine-to-five lifestyle. Extreme sports are to sports like hang gliding or bungee jumping [---](2).
Hang gliding is an air sport where a pilot flies in some kind of a kite. You jump off a cliff and thermal (currents) will [---](3) make you glide
If you glide too high you won`t get enough oxygen and you`ll become unconscious.
Bungee jumping is an activity where you jump with an elastic rope. Usually you jump off a fixed object, such as a building or a bridge. If the elastic rope breaks(4) you will die.

1) pursue wird nur in Verbindung mit "career" als "ausüben" verwendet
2) beachte: in informativen Texten darf man "usw" nicht verwenden, denn es täuscht nicht vorhandenes Wissen vor: wenn ich noch was weiß, dann schreibe ich es hin, sonst: "Klappe" halten.,
3) to put s.o. up ==jmdn. unterbringen
45) tear ist aktiv durchreißen; hier: break = brechen/reißen

Korrekturen: fett= eingefügt/verbessert; [---] = gestrichen


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