Referat: "10 things I hate about you or interesting facts about Shakespeare"

Ten Things I Hate About You
or interesting facts about Shakespeare
outline on blackboard
1 life of William Shakespeare
2 the film- 10 things I hate about you
3 the drama- The Taming of the Shrew
3.1 parallels
3.2 the Elizabethan theatre
3.3 … and today
4 the sonnet
4.1 Sonnet 141
“The family guide to Shakespeare and his life in Stratford-upon-Avon” Pitkin guides 1997
life of Shakespeare
1558 Elizabeth I crowned Queen
* 23 April 1564 Stratford-upon-Avon
mother Mary Arden father John Shakespeare: tradesman
attended local grammar school
( education typically Tudor: Latin rhetoric, Greek, literature (Cato, Aesop, Virgil, Horace)
Ben Jonson: he had “small Latin and less Greek”
Catechism, Bible
1582 marriage with Anne Hathaway (8years older)
birth of daughter Susanna
1585 birth of twins Judith and Hamnet (died at age 11)
approx. 1587 London/ same year Mary Queen of Scots executed
sure from 1592 actor and playwright (almost 25 years)
theatres closed for two years (because of the plague) ( narrative poetry of book-length
(“Venus and Adonis”)
1597 able to buy house “New Place” in Stratford
1603 Queen Elizabeth dies
retired 1609/1610
return to Stratford
inscription on gravestone: “Good friend for Jesus’ sake forbeare to digg the dust enclosed
heare; bleste be yee man yt spares these stones and curst be he yt
moves my bones.”
Kings tragedies comedies King Lear 1605 Antony and Cleopatra1606/07 As you like it 1599 King Henry IV 1596/98 Hamlet 1600/01 Merchant of Venice 1596/97 King Henry V 1599 Julius Caesar 1599 A Midsummer Night’s dream King Henry VI 1589-91 Macbeth 1606 Much Ado About Nothing1598/99 King Henry VIII 1612/13 Othello 1604 Twelfth Night 1601/02 King Richard II 1595 Romeo and Juliet 1595/96 The Comedy of Errors 1592-94 King Richard III 1592/93 The Taming of the Shrew 1593/94 the film
protagonists: Kat and Bianca Stratford ( sisters
Kat: entitled cow, arrogant bitch
Bianca: younger, attractive, charming, popular
( sought-after by two boys: Cameron (new at school), Joey (rich)
Bianca only allowed to date ( Kat has to have a date
( Cameron private tutor in French to be near her
boys want to pay sb to date Kat ( find Patrick Verona
finally Kat agreement to go to prom ( discovers Patrick is paid to go out with her ( quarrel
Cameron + Bianca are together
Patrick present for Kat ( Fender guitar Kat longed-for ( reconciliation
the drama
Lucentio to Padua to study
meet Baptista Minola + his daughters Katherina and Bianca
( Lucentio falls in love with Bianca
problem: Bianca only marry after Katherina
Gremio + Hortensio (suitors to Bianca): search husband for Katherina
( problem: K is very stubborn, wild, rebellious
Petruchio of Verona visit Hortensio ( wants a wife
Hortensio tells him of Bianca and Katherina ( P wants to meet her
meanwhile: Lucentio teaches Bianca
Petruchio asks Baptista to marry her
P’s attitude towards K: incalculable and mocking
delay on wedding day ( Katherina goes wild with anger
afterwards: taken to Verona against her will
Petruchio: lets K starve and gives her a sleepless night
Meanwhile: Lucentio marries Bianca, other two men let her go
Hortensio marries a young widow
at a meal: husbands make a bet: whose wife is the most obedient
surprise: Katherina only one who obeys + in front of other woman takes off cap + treads on it
end: monologue of Katherine explaining the duties of a wife
main plot adopted ( transferred to today’s High school
named Padua High School ( “Taming of the Shrew” setting in Italy (Padua)
protagonists named the same ( connection with Shakespeare’s life (surname Stratford)
Bianca sought-after by two boys and three man respectively because of appearance
Cameron comparable with Lucentio ( both teacher, get Bianca in the end
Joey and Hortensio: similarities ( seek sb and pay him
Patrick Verona = Petruchio ( surname as a connection (Petruchio of Verona)
Elizabethan theatre
no spotlights, no separating curtains
female roles played by young male actors
costumes important to show wealth (or poverty) ( silk or linen (or wool and leather)
almost no scenery ( created by actors
public theatres like inn-yard theatres
upper story ( balcony, trapdoors, above balcony room for musicians
…and today
times changed: actresses allowed to play, indoor theatres
theatre is respectable, function beyond entertainment
plays now performed different from original
( example “Taming of the shrew”
“A Midsummer Night’s dream”: played in ballet pumps or in a city e.g. New York
( emotions remain the same
different meanings/ purposes ( “Taming of the shrew” as feminist statement or Elizabethan
the sonnet
154 sonnets
published 1609 without Shakespeare’s knowledge
edition forbidden ( too obvious homoerotic insinuations
1640 new edition: addressee a woman (( dark lady/ unclear identity)
language: ironic, cool, using less images than sounds
Shakespeare different from Petrarca on blackboard
Petrarca Shakespeare
rhyme scheme abba abba ccd eed abab cdcd efef gg
metre iambic hexameter iambic pentameter
( xx'xx'xx'/xx'xx'xx' (stress on 2nd syllable) xx'xx'xx'xx'xx'
sonnet 141
on transparency read aloud
questions concerning vocabulary/ general understanding
any connections?
possible answers: sonnet 130
same intentions: love sb in spite of mistakes/ not confirming to ideal of beauty
stylistic devices: anaphora, repetition (slave/vassal), initial sounds structure poem
Worksheet: fill in categories + do test (solutions in italics)
Hinweis von Lehrer: deutsche Übersetzungen für quotations suchen.
worksheet Shakespeare
“The Taming of the Shrew”/ “Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung” reclam zweisprachig
“The family guide to Shakespeare and his life in Stratford-upon-Avon” Pitkin guides 1997
King Lear 1605 Antony and Cleopatra1606/07 As you like it 1599 King Henry IV 1596/98 Hamlet 1600/01 Merchant of Venice 1596/97 King Henry V 1599 Julius Caesar 1599 A Midsummer Night’s dream King Henry VI 1589-91 Macbeth 1606 Much Ado About Nothing1598/99 King Henry VIII 1612/13 Othello 1604 Twelfth Night 1601/02 King Richard II 1595 Romeo and Juliet 1595/96 The Comedy of Errors 1592-94 King Richard III 1592/93 The Taming of the Shrew 1593/94
Brush up your Shakespeare
1. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark Hamlet
2. The moon, methinks, looks with a watery eye. A Midsummer Night’s dream
3. Out damned spot! Out, I say! Macbeth
4. Nothing can come of nothing: speak again. King Lear
5. Et tu, Brute? Julius Caesar
6. Oh true apothecary! Romeo and Juliet
7. A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse! King Richard III
8. Oh beware my lord of jealousy; It is the
green-eyed monster, which doth mock the
meat it feeds on. Othello, the Moor of Venice
9. Parting is such sweet sorrow… Romeo and Juliet
10. To be, or not to be: that is the question: Hamlet
11. The quality of mercy is not strained; The Merchant of Venice
12. Comparisons are odorous: Much Ado About Nothing
13. If we shadows have offended […]
so good night to you all. Give me
your hands, if we be friends, and Robin
shall restore amends. A Midsummer Night’s dream
14. Frailty, thy name is woman. Hamlet
15. I say it is the moon. – I know it is
the moon. – Nay, then you lie. It is the
blessed sun. The Taming of the Shrew
Die Datei behandelt das Leben und das Werk von William Shakespeare. Es enthält eine Kurzbiographie dazu eine Bibliographie über die wichtigsten Dramen in Tabellenform. Als zweiter Punkt wird der Inhalt des Films "10 Dinge die ich an dir hasse" wiedergegeben. Im nachfolgenden wird das Drama "Der Widerspenstigen Zähmung" beschrieben und Parallelen gezogen. Ein Unterpunkt zu dem Drama ist das Elizabethanische Theater und die Inszenierung von Shakespeare- Stücken heute. Als letztes werden die Sonette von Shakespeare behandelt, d.h. die allgemeine Form und Sonett 141 im Besonderen, da es eine zentrale Rolle im Film spielt. (1206 Wörter)
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Es handelt sich hier um einen fremden, nutzergenerierten Inhalt für den keine Haftung übernommen wird.
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