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Bitte um Korrektur

Frage: Bitte um Korrektur
(1 Antwort)

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Hallo , könnte mal bitte jemand drüber schauen , ob das so richtig ist ?

Die aufgabe lautete : imagine you are Melanie and received this postcard from your friend Jill on Saturday .
Today is Monday and you tell your colleague at work what Jill wrote . ( Remember to use indirect speech )

Der Text :
Dear Melanie,
We are having a wonderful time here.
The weather is good and we swim in the sea every day.
We have also done some sight-seeing.

Yesterday we visited the capital city with a guide. While we were looking around he told us some interesting facts about the sights.

Tomorrow we are going to walk up the highest mountain. I think it will be hard.

How are you and when is your holiday?
Can you pick usw up at the airport?

Love Jillxx

Meine Antworten :
1. Melanie wrote that they are having a wonderful time there. She wrote that the weather is good and they are going to swim in the sea every day. She wrote that they have also done some sight-seeing.

2. In her postcard she said that they visited the capital city with a guide. She said that while they were looking around he told them some interesting facts about the sights.

3. She told me that they are going to walk up the highest mountain next day. She thinks it will be hard.

4. She asked me How I am and when my holiday is. She asked me if I can pick them up from the airport.
Das unterstrichene ist vorgegeben

Vielen Dank
Frage von ADLER (ehem. Mitglied) | am 22.09.2016 - 20:15

Beiträge 2582
Antwort von Ratgeber | 22.09.2016 - 23:00
Meine Antworten :
Jill wrote that they are having a wonderful time there and that the weather is fine and they swim in the sea every day. But they also have done some sight-seeing.

2. In her postcard she said that they had visited the capital city with a guide and that while they were looking around he had told them some interesting facts about the sights.

3. She told me that they were going to walk up the highest mountain the next day. She thinks it will be hard.

4. She asked me how I am and when my holiday will be. She also wanted to know if I could pick them up from the airport.

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