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Holidays all over the world

Frage: Holidays all over the world
(2 Antworten)

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Hi ich muss ein kurzes einleitungs textchen schreiben das aber halt mindestens ne halbe seite ist über meinen Urlaub aber mir fällt nichts mehr ein könnt ihr es mir vllt. verbessern und eventuelle es etwas lang ziehen und verlängern damit es sich langer anhört...wäre super:

The last six years I saw so many things of this World.
I was in China, , “Egyptian”, USA, Croatia, Hamburg, Berlin, Frankfurt...I saw really so many things; It was very interesting to see many different culture.
For example the clothes, but not the clothes were different between Germany and other Countries the art of the People was very different for example in Egyptian (?) you must pay 50 egp (agypitschespfund in Deutschland Sind 50egp ungefähr 6.60euro) to walk to the Pyramids.
I saw the Pyramids of Gizeh, I wonder how big it was I thought it was not so big, but it was really very big and when you think that the people in the past built this Pyramids alone without big Help from equipment. I must say WOW!

And in America the Big highly homes, the Statue of Liberty the symbol of New York was very interesting for me!
I make a little Collage about my Holidays
I hope its fine
Frage von NikolaPeach (ehem. Mitglied) | am 18.06.2009 - 21:28

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Antwort von NikolaPeach (ehem. Mitglied) | 20.06.2009 - 14:57
can gie me some antworts ^^

Antwort von GAST | 20.06.2009 - 15:00
also ich würde es lassen so ist es gut und ich hab keine feehler gefunden super

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