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englisch indirekte rede

Frage: englisch indirekte rede
(2 Antworten)

wir sollten jeder ein text als hausaufgabe schreiben der dann an eine mitschülerin ausgeteilt wurde die den dann in indirekter rede schreiben soll könntet ihr vll ma über meine hier drübergucken?

my person writes that she has got a lot of interests, so she lists some things up.
she says that she loves to seim. my writer tells that she works for a year as a life guard. also she writes the she was teaching children in swimming for two years. but now she says she cant do this anymore.
also she writes that her freinds are very important for her and she couldnt imagine lives without them, because it would be very boring. she says that she is proud to have friends in england. for future she would be a teacher in a primary school. because she like children.

so irgendwie hört sich des ganze noch net so rund an kann mir vll ma jm helfen andere satzanfäng hinzubekommen bin über jeden verbesserungsvorschlag dankbar
GAST stellte diese Frage am 01.11.2007 - 18:36

Antwort von GAST | 01.11.2007 - 19:01
for future she would be a teacher in a primary school,
because she likes cildren

tippfehler aber da muss doch noch was sein kann mir denn keiner helfen

Antwort von GAST | 03.11.2007 - 17:58
my person writes that she has got alot of intrests, so she listed some things up. she says that she loves to swim and therefore she works as a life guard. additionally she writes that she has been teaching children how to swim, however she says she can not do this anymore.
also she says her friends are very important to her and she could not imagine to live without them, because it would be very boring. she says that she is proud to have friends in england. in the future she wants to be a teacher in a primary school, scince she likes children.

ich hoffe das hilft dir nen bissl!

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